Of course another rough night

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As the boys ran in they all went exploring. I just laughed at their expressions. Priceless.

Looking around Jin had gotten Jackson's attention again and lead him to his room, well at least he won't be sleeping by himself.

Letting the boys roam I head up stairs to my room and crashed onto my bed. That reminded me, a carrier. what is that. Maybe I should ask Mark and Yugyeom. Is Jin one too? 

Now thing about that I head down stairs to look for them.

Running around the whole place I couldn't find anyone until I went outside and of course they would be in the pool.

"You never said anything about a pool, Leo." Bambam says.

I just roll my eyes at the boy who is swimming like a dog.

"Cause you never asked." I say

Finding Mark I went up to him and took a seat next to him as I dipped my feet into the water. 

"Hey Mark......do you know what a carrier is." I say looking down at the water. I got no answer. 

Looking up Mark face was a surprise to me. He looked shocked but a hint of blush.

"Yeah, why do you ask." he says

"Is it bad, cause my mother told me in my dream that I'm a carrier." I say looking at Yugyeom playing in the water.

"Ahhhh well I will tell you tonight OK and Yugyeom will be too." Mark says

"Ok, oh and does this run in the family. Will Jin have it too." I say to Mark once again.

"Ahh probably, don't worry it's not bad. It's actually really good.

"OK that good then." I say 

But just like that I was pulled into the water. 

"AHHHH!" I shout 

Re-surfing from the water I look around to find Yugyeom laughing at me. Mark also looked like laughing too but hide it well.

"YUGYEOM" I shout as I rush to him and tackle him under the water. And that made Mark laugh as he jumped in too as he tried to get me.  

And so this is how the water fight started with the seven males in the pool.

After an hour in the pool everyone had gotten out and was heading to the bathrooms. After everyone was clean and all,I had assigned everyone to a bedroom. 

And as kind as I am, I let my mates sleep with me.

I was to tired to cook dinner so I ordered pizza, yet I had to drive and pick it up. 

Getting ready I put of warm clothes. Just when I was about to head out Mark came to me and took the car keys.

"I will drive." was all he said as he headed to the car. I just shrugged as I headed to the car also.

Hopping in, Mark started the car and drove out onto the road.

It took half an hour to get there which meant that the pizza would be ready once we got there. Picking up the Pizza, we started to drive back.

Stopping at a red light Mark spoke.

"A carrier is someone who can bare children." he says still looking at the road.

"WHAT......I'm a guy.....you know that right...." I say a little embarrassed at thought of having a child, or giving birth to one. Ouch

"You still can,it just works differently, so if your mum's right we protection." Was all he said and to make it worst,protection..........

"That's what my mother said......" I said with a face as red as a tomato. 

Mark just laughed at me but patted my head. 

"It's OK, besides we need a child for the next generation. But you don't need to think about that right now." he says with another smile. 

I just giggled nervously before we turned back into the drive way. 

"Well thanks for telling me.......wait what about Jin?" 

"It's OK, I will tell Jackson. Usually you have to do it twice or three times if your lucky to then finally start to have children. So far your not pregnant so it's fine, but if we decide to do it again which might be tonight then we need protection so thanks for tell me." Mark says with a big smile which made me shiver. 

"O-ok" I splutter.

We both hop out of the car and head back inside to find everyone in a massive circle on the floor, to tired to ask why I place one of the pizza boxes in the middle and everyone went crazy. 

Well damn

Taking my seat between my mates I also dig in. 

Looking to my right it looked like Mark was tell Jackson about Jin, which made the olders face light up as he brings Jin closer to him. Yet I gave him the glare that said if you ever make my younger brother pregnant before me I will murder you. And it looked like me got it as he moved away from my direction a bit which got my brother attention. And with one glace Jin knew what I was doing that he through a pillow at me. Which I court luckily.

Leaning back Yugyeom gets close to my ear before speaking.

" Our little carrier is going to have some cute babies " and with that said I was red cheeked that I jumped onto Yugyeom and started to crush him. While the others looking clueless Mark, Jackson and even Bambam who had no clue what we were fighting about was laughing.

After the whole crush thing and we had finished eating, people started to head to bed. I was about to head to bed when I felt my mates giving me the stare.

"Not here please,at least wait until everyone's asleep." I say quietly.

They both looked at each other and grinned.

Oh hell no.......... 

Scared Bone ( Yugyeom X OC X Mark ) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now