Chapter 9

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(If you haven't heard Brendon's valley girl impression, I suggest you watch this because it's hilarious!)

I went upstairs and got dressed in my pajamas. Brendon followed a little while after, sitting on my bed as I got ready for bed.

"So, I was wondering, I was talking to Zack and he's on board with this. If Mr. Canel does anything else to hurt you, Zack will be your bodyguard at school. How does that sound?" He asked, rubbing my leg which was under the cover. 

"Well, let's do pros and cons. Pro, I would have Zack with me to help with Mr. Canel. Con, I'm that one kid in class whose father is famous and who has a bodyguard. I'm either gonna lose friends or get more, but because of Zack." I said, fighting over if I wanted it or not. 

"Well, it's for the best, but it's the next time he does something, so it's not like he's coming tomorrow."

"I guess," I said, sighing at the end.

"Hey! Cheer up! You met the rest of Panic! today, that was really cool!" He smiled. I smiled and looked at Brendon.

"Thank you!"

"For what?" He asked, cocking his head. I piece of hair fell out of place, and I just had to move it.

"For adopting me, being my father. It could have been any kid in there, but it was me. Lucky me! And you're just an amazing father, I-I love you, you've done so much for me." There was a silent pause, and I looked at Brendon.

"My life's complete now!" He smiled, making me smile.

"I can say the same thing!"

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead. The only time we kissed on the lips was when he brought me to school, and I plan on making that a daily thing. 

"Goodnight, I love you!" Brendon said, leaving my room.

"Love you too!" He left my room and closed my door.

I shuffled my Panic! playlist and fell asleep listening to Ready To Go.


In the morning, Brendon thought it would be funny to wake me up in the most fun way to him, but the most annoying for me.

Miss Jackson was blasting through the room and Brendon had a wireless mic with him, and the volume was obviously set down low, not as loud as a concert. 

He started singing in the mic and then he jumped on my bed, shaking me until I woke up. I started laughing and looked at Brendon, who started singing in his valley girl voice. 

You can't hear his valley girl voice and not laugh. It's so funny!

"I'm up, I'm up!" I yelled, making him continue. I decided to just give up until the song finished. When he did Lolo's part, he did the valley girl voice again, and I couldn't contain my laughter. I was laughing my a** off on the bed. 

"Are you done?!" I yelled after the song was done. He laughed and nodded.

"Yes, but you're awake now, aren't you? My plan worked, I'm so smart!" He said, making me laugh my head off.

"But me trusting you in my room has grown less. How did you even set this up without me hearing?" I asked, making him laugh even more.

"Well, you're a pretty heavy sleeper. I just plugged it into the wall and used the Bluetooth on the mic. You're also really funny when you sleep." He laughed at the memory.

"How so?"

"Well, first of all, you like to move around, and when you do, you have either really small motions or big motions. And you say random things in your sleep. Like not that long before I woke you up, you said 'Stop forcing the peas down my throat, Brendon.' I don't know what kinda dream you were having." He laughed. His laugh is cute. 

"Oh yeah, I was texting you on Snapchat and then Kenny texted me, so I told him to give me a second. And then you direct messaged me on Instagram. Then I was in the living room and you randomly walked down from the stairs, you were obviously a murderer, and then you forced me to eat my peas. It's really weird." He burst out laughing again. 

He was in an extremely happy mood today.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked, just having to know why he was so laughy.

"You don't know? God, I thought you would most excited about this!" He laughed again. 

"What is it?" I intrigued.

"It's your fourteenth birthday! It's my daughter's birthday!" He cheered. I threw my hands up in the air as I remembered that today was the day I was born. 

"Oh yeah!" I extended the last word.

"So, I got you two birthday gifts, you'll get one now and one after school. But I need you to get dressed." He sang. Yes, he sang the sentence.

He kissed me and left the room. I got dressed by putting on this cute outfit I once got at Hot Topic. It was a Panic! tank top with a skirt, but it was kinda a Panic! themed skirt. By that I mean there were exclamation points on the skirt.

I brushed my teeth and hair, then going downstairs.

"That's a nice outfit!" Brendon said, handing me a pancake. Once we both finished eating, Brendon took me to his room.

"This is actually the first time I'm seeing your room," I said, just realizing that what I said was true.

"Cmon, look!" He opened up his closet and all I saw were really expensive suits.

"You don't rent suits?" I asked. He shook his head no and dug through his closet.

"Here you go!" He took a nice piano out of the closet and handed it to me.

"This is mine?!" I screamed, overly excited about my piano. He smiled and nodded his head.

I put the piano down on his bed and ran into him, hugging him as tight as possible.

"I'll put it in your room later, I just have to set up the stand."

"I love you and I love my present!" I said. He laughed and hugged me back.

"I love you too! And I'm glad to say that if you like this birthday gift, you're gonna love the one I'm getting for you after school!"

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