Chapter 37

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"Wake up! It's your first day of your last year of junior high!" Brendon shook me awake. I stirred and laughed as he started slapping me lightly.

"I'm up!" I groaned.

"Good, we only have fifteen minutes." He stated. I jumped out of bed and changed in my closet, putting on my Panic! dress, the one I wore on my birthday.

"Holy crap, that was fast!" He remarked. I stretched and fell on the floor, purposely.

"Brendon I'm so tired." I yelled. He helped me up while laughing.

"Sarah's trying to sleep, so chill with the screaming." We both walked downstairs.

"I didn't make breakfast, alarm didn't go off." He shrugged.

"Good, because I'm not hungry." I stated.

"I haven't made a lunch, so I'll drop one off at around eleven fourth five." He informed. I nodded and we left the house to go to the school.

"Let's Hits1 this s**t up!" I said, turning on the radio. That's What I Like came on, which is an amazing song. Brendon blasted it as we drove through the streets of LA.

"This is a bop!" I tried yelling over the music. Bre on laughed as we continued to scream the lyrics.

"God damn is that ever a good song!" I turned down the radio and laughed.

"Now on HitBound, we have Halsey with Now or Never."

"Aw hell yeah! Halsey!" Brendon cheered, pulling into the school lot.

"G'bye Brendon!" I kissed him before leaving the car with my bag full of supplies.

"Bye Fae! See you at lunch time!" He waved goodbye and drove off. I walked into the school with a smile on my face.


It was the period before lunch time, approximately twenty minutes before noon. Brendon said he was coming at eleven forty five, because that was the time for lunch last year, but it's changed to noon this year.

"Mister?" Asked Drake, a kid in my class.

"What?" Scoffed Mr. Canel. Oh yeah, he was teaching us more this year. Great...

"Are we getting grads this year?" He asked. Mr. Canel slammed his hands on the table, getting very mad over a little question.

"How many times are you little twerps gonna ask me that?! I told you all already, no graduations for the grade eights! You don't deserve them! You're all so whiny, caring about dumb little things. How about you give me a break, because it is so annoying having to deal with you brats!" He yelled.

"You can't talk to us like that!" I yelled back.

"Enough! You, you are the worst student I've ever had in the history of being a principal. You're stuck up because you have a 'Grammy nominated' father. Well guess what, he's a joke and so are you!" He yelled at me. I gasped, and so did everyone else.

"You're the one to talk about being the worst! You're the worst principal I've ever had, and guess what! You're the only principal I've ever had!" I heard a bunch of ooo's. "You refuse to give us graduations because you're to lazy and caught up with saving money. There are five of us in this damn class! Five! Frickin! People! You're too cheap to give us a grad. Even a mention, because you only care about the publicity for this school. My father is more popular then this school will ever be. I don't even care that he's famous, he's caring, sweet, genuine and soft hearted, some adjectives you aren't familiar with you weasel. So before go and call me and my father a joke, I'd take a good hard look in the mirror. My father is a Grammy nominee because he works hard on his music. Your only category in the Grammys would be for the worst principal, and you'd be he only one in that category!" I refuted. He rolled his eyes and stomped over to my table.

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