Chapter 2

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Nash walked in with a sympathetic look on his face.

I looked up then quickly looked down. " Can I help you?" I asked calmly trying not to flip out or just start crying. As you can tell I am kinda too emotional and I hate that about my self.

" Why did you storm off like that?" He asked kind of meanly.

"Maybe because I was attacked!" I said loudly shocked that he was actually mad at me for something they did.

He laughed. "We were just playing"

"Well it wasn't funny." I stated trying not to laugh as well.

"Well I'm sorry." He said giving me his best puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes. Those don't work on me! "Please come back down! We miss you."

"Oh save it." I spat back. It came out a little meaner then I planned.

"Fine be a little baby." He yelled as he was leaving the room. I was kinda shocked by his response. But I didn't really care. Nash had always been a little mean but I know deep down he cared.

I went Down stairs just to make Nash mad. I went and grabbed a bag of chips and sat on the floor away from everyone else. Waiting for them to realize that i was mad. They didn't.

"Where's mom and dad?" Hayes asked after a silence.

" They went to take sky to dance or something." Nash answered completely pretending I wasn't here.

"What do you wanna do today?" Matt asked not looking up from his phone.

"Well we could go ice skating!" I screamed in excitement. I was horrible but I loved it.

"Uhh that's stupid Bella." Nash spat rolling his eyes.

"Actually that seems cool..Let's do that!" Said Shawn flashing a smile.

"Yeah!" Said jack and jack at the same time. They both looked at each other causing us all to laugh.

"Looks like your outnumbered" I said to Nash with an evil grin. He just rolled his eyes.

After about 20 minutes of everyone getting up and ready we left. He had to take 3 cars. In one car it was Me Nash Cam Hayes and Taylor and the rest of the boy split up in the other cars.

All the guys were singing and trying to act cool when we passed a group of girls but I thought they looks quite stupid. I laughed silently to their fail attempt to get girls.We finally got the ice arena and it was packed. That meant the guys would be mobbed by girls. We all told the lady our shoe sizes and she practically threw us the skates. She was a very unpleasant worker. We all got our skates on and began skating when about 12 girls ran up and mobbed the boys. In the process some slutty girl pushed me down to get closer to the guys causing me to fall and then scrape my knee.

It was kinda gross it was bleeding everywhere. I crawled out of the mob of girls and tried to get to my feet. It wasn't working I was slipping around making my already bloody knee worse.I then saw a hand reach out to help me. I didn't care who's hand it was and I grabbed it for dear life. I looked up and saw Matt with a cute smile. I could tell he was trying not to burst out laughing at my many failed attempts to stand.

He pretty much dragged me to the bench and helped me whipe the blood off my knee. Matt was so sweet. He was one of Nash's good friends and he always helped me with things. I guess I had a little crush on him but it's stupid cuz were 3 years apart and I had no chance because he is the Mathew Espinosa.

I guessed I zoned off for a little cuz I hear Matt saying " Bella you okay?"

You could her the worried ness in his voice.

"Oh yeah I'm good." I giggled a little.

"You wanna go skate again?" He asked.

"I think I'm gonna pass." I said while laughing and pointing to my knee.

"Well me too then!" He said with the cutest smile on his face.

I wonder why fans weren't stalking him. They probably didn't see him and I'm glad for that. We just sat and talked for an hour when the guys finally finished skating.

"Why aren't you guys skating?" asked Carter while falling onto Nash. Nash pushed carter off causing carter to fall right on his butt.It was pretty funny to be honest.

"Well Bella had a little accident and cut her knee. There was blood everywhere!" He said while returning his skates.

"Oh Bella." I heard a few of the guys say. My face was probably as red as a tomato. God I hate this.

We all piled in the car and headed home.

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