Chapter 6

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Matt walked in.

"How ya doing?" He asked doing a random danced. I laughed shaking me head.

"Fine...The doctor hasn't come back yet." I told him calming my self from laughing.

"Well I will will wait for you..uh if you want me too.." He stuttered. I could hear the nervousness in his voice. Was he actually nervous to talk to me?

"I would love you too!" I said then realized it came out a little to preppy. My cheeks turned red.

We waited another 10 minutes when the doctor came back.

"Hey Bella and Bella's other friend! I have some bad news." The doctor said. "It looks like your leg is broken. It had gotten worse because you didn't come right when it started hurting."

"Are you serious?!" I said putting my head in my hands.

"I'm afraid so.." He said quickly.

"Bella it's okay. Calm down.." Matt said holding my hand. To be honest it did make me feel little better. Everything about Matt made me feel better. He gave me a weird feeling that I have never got before.

"Well were just gonna put a brace on your leg and give your crutches and you should be good to go!" He said as he walked off.

"Crutches! Those are fun...sometimes.." He said tried to make me feel better. I just laughed and shook my head.

After another 20 minutes the doctor put the brace on and gave me the crutches.

We left the room as quickly as we could...It took Matt 20 minutes to teach me how to use crutches....But I don't think he even knew.

After I got the hang of it we found Nash and Cam who said we still couldn't see Hayes. I really hoped he was okay. I went and showed Nash my brace but he was more interested in playing with my crutches.

Cam took the crutches away from Nash and said " we don't need anyone else getting hurt " he said laughing. Nash nodded giving a slight laugh and sat down. Another 15 minutes went by....

Is anyone here for Hayes grier the nurse said. The guys sprinted to her. I hobbled my way over.

"Yes that's us" Nash huffed.

"Okay well Hayes is doing fine. He as a small concussion but he should be able to go home tomorrow. Only one person at a time please. We don't want to to get overwhelmed." She gave us a fake smile then walked away.

Me and Nash went first. We didn't really listen to the whole one person rule. He walked in but I waited in the door way for a minute. Just the look of my brother in pain really hurt me. I was nervous to see him and I'm not really sure why.

"Bella is that you..?" I heard Hayes say very quietly.

"Yes...It is......How are you?" I asked him.

"I am okay...Are you okay?" He ask concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine why?" I ask confused.

"Well first last night I heard you screaming and I went to go see if you were okay but I slipped and second you're on crutches!" He laughed.

"Oh yeah a lot happened but I'm good." I said laughing.

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