Chapter 29

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Bella POV

"I wouldn't understand what?" He asked.

I panicked. What am I gonna tell him. I can't tell him about it

"Nothing." I said back quickly.

"Bella...what wouldn't I understand." he said standing up and walking over to me.

"Nash stop you wouldn't understand!" I yelled getting up to leave.

"Bella!" He said grabbing my wrist.

"Stop it Nash! I just can't tell you!" I said storming out of the room and slamming the door.

I wasn't crying this time. I was mad. If I don't wanna tell Nash I don't have to. I didn't know were to go though. If I went to my room they would easily find me. I decided to go to the Pool.

I didn't have a bathing suit on me but if I went back he would see me so I just went down there in my clothes.

There was nobody in the pool. Maybe cause it was getting late.

I was just playing on my phone when a group of guys came in around my age. There were 3 of them.They were pretty cute but I had Matt who was better than anyone.

"Are you gonna swim?" Asked the tall blond one.

"Yeah come in!" Said another one who was shorter and had brown hair.

"Oh no. I just came here to chill. I don't have a bathing suit with me." I said smiling then looking back down at my phone.

The third boy was tall with brown hair. He started walking over to me.

"Hey I'm Ryder." He said putting his hand out to shake it.

"Hi...I'm Bella." I said smiling and shaking his hand.

"What are you doing alone here?" He asked. "It's late and something could happen." He said.

"I know. I just needed to get my mind of stuff and get away from every one." I said telling the truth.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked sitting down in the chair next to me.

"Do you really wanna know?" I said laughing.

"Of course!" He said smiling.

"It's a pretty long story!"

" about this. We meet up tommarow in the lobby 10 in the morning. We can talk and we can get to know each other better." He said.

"You know I have a boyfriend right?" I said feeling a little bad.

"I'm not asking you to marry me." He laughed. "I wanna become friends.!"

"Alright sound good!" I will see you tomorrow!" I said waving bye and leaving the pool.

A new friend. I liked that.

Being a grier! (Nash grier)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant