Chapter 21

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Bella POV

Me and Matt walked to my room.

"Bellaireallylikeyou!" He spat.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Bella. I. Really. Like. You." He said slowly.

Matt does like me. And I really like Matt.

"Matt...I.. I." I started shocked. But he cut me off.

"I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry if you don't see me like that.." He went on rambling.

"I was gonna say i really like you too Matt." I said giggling.

Our lips met again. And I felt sparks again.

"Bella would you like to go on a date with me?" He said with a huge smile.

"I would love too!" I pretty much screamed.

We just layed down in my bed snuggling for about 10 minutes before we decided to go back down stairs.

We walked back down stairs and we both had smiles on our faces.

"What's up with you two smiling like idiots?" Asked Taylor grinning.

"Hmm I wonder" said Cameron grinning. He was the only one who knew we kissed.

Matts POV

I am literally so happy Bella said yes. She is so cute and sweet and perfect. I just want to call her mine.

Without thinking I said "Me and Bella are dating." She smiled.

"YOUR WHAT!?" Nash screamed lunging towards Matt.

Shit. I completely forgot Nash is an over protective brother.

"Bro I...." I was cut off my Bella.

"Nash chill out." She said going over to him.

He pushed past her and attempted to punch me. I luckily dodged it.

"NASH WHAT THE HECK" Bella screamed while crying.

Cameron and Taylor quickly got Nash pulled back. I stood in horror while Shawn went and pulled Bella into his chest shielding her from seeing what was gonna happen.

Nash broke free from there grip and charged at me knocking me to the ground.

"THATS MY SISTER" I heard over Bella's sobs. The last I remember is Nash knocking me out. Then everything went black.

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