Chapter 63

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Bella POV

"I..I.." I stuttered. Not knowing what to say.

"Just think about it." He said with a smile.

He started walking out but then he stopped.

"But just remember Bella. I like you a lot." He winked then left.


Ugh. I like Matt and Taylor both so much. I don't even know who to chose. I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't even see Shawn walk into my room.

"Oh hey." I said giving him a warm smile.

"I heard what Taylor said.." He started. "You wanna talk about it?" He said said giving me a big smile.

"You really wanna listen?" I said laughing. He didn't laugh. I always laugh at my own jokes.

"I do." He said. So I told him how I liked Matt and Taylor and it's so hard to choose and I explained the dates they took me on.

"Well." He said. He was speechless and I was out of breath for talking so much. " I think you should just let your heart choose." He said.

"How do I do that when my heart is choosing both of them." I asked

"You are letting your mind take over." He said putting his arm around me. "You will find a away."

"I hope." I said looking down.

He lifted up my chin. "Remember you can always come to me." I nodded and he left.

I decided to go find Nash before my thoughts ate me alive. He was in his room on vine or something.

"Hey!" I said from his door.

"Oh hi." He said.

"So now you wanna tell me about your girlfriend?" I smirked at him.

"Fine come here." He said making room on his bed for me. "Okay. So her name is Hayden." He started.

"That's a pretty name." He blushed. I have never seen my brother blush over a girl. "tell me more about her!" I said.

"Well she has blond hair and blue eyes...and uh she is just perfect." He said looking down and smiling.

"I wanna meet her!" I said getting exited.

"NOOO!" He yelled.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"You with probably scare her away or something." He said laughing. I didn't laugh. I just stared at him until he felt uncomfortable. And it worked. "Fine. I will see when she is available."

"Yay!" I squealed and hugged him. I can't wait to meet her.

We both walked downstairs and only saw cam and Hayes.

"Where did all the other guys go?" I asked.

"They left." Hayes said.

"It's about time!" I joked.

"But I stayed because I knew Bella would miss me too much if I left." He said smiling and laughing.

"Oh yeah!" I laughed.

Nothing really happened in this chapter but here it is!

Being a grier! (Nash grier)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora