Chapter 65

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Bella POV

It's time for all the guys to leave for magcon. All the guys expect Matt.

I am so exited but I just feel bad. I feel like I'm play both of the guys. I'm not trying too.

"Bella" Nash said pulling me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you some much." He said releasing me. "You don't do anything with Matt got it?" He said.

"I will miss you too and trust me I won't!" I said laughing. He hugged me again and went to the car.

"Call me if you need anything. We wont be gone long." Cam said hugging me and leaving.

"I wanna say thanks again bell I really love you." Hayes said hugging me and he left. The only person left in the house besides me and Matt was Taylor.

"I'll miss you." He said winking.

"Right back at ya." I said blushing.

"I love you Bella." He said kissing my cheek and leaving.

He just said he loved me.

Holy shit.

Taylor caniff loves me.

I completely zoned out. When Matt started snapping his fingers infront of my face.

"Hey baby.What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Just gonna miss my brothers." I lied. I can't tell him.

"Oh okay." He smiled. "What should we do first?" He asked still smiling.

His smile.

That's why I fell for him.

I was broken out if my thoughts again buy Matt saying "how about we got back to sleep, it's still early."

"Yeah." I smiled. I liked the thought of cuddling with Matt.

We walked up stairs and just talking about stupid things. But I didn't mind.

We both got bored of talking and finally laid down. My back faced his face and he put his arm around me.

I could tell he fell asleep. Then something hit me.

I don't know why it happened now. But it did. I felt so bad. For Matt and Taylor. I am playing them. I don't mean to. But I'm in love with both of them. Tears starting talking from my eyes. I quickly whipped them away.

I slipped out of matts grip and walked to the bath room so he wouldn't see me upset. I sat on the bath room floor crying. I tried to keep it quite though.

"Bella?" I heard Matt say.

"Yeah?" I said whipping my eyes off.

"Bella!? What's wrong!?" He said shaking the door handle.

"I'm fine." I said standing up and opening the door.

Matt sprinted in and pulled me into his arms.

"You didn't do anything right?" He asked nervously.

"No! Of course not." I said hugging him back.

"Why were you crying?" He asked.

Oh god.

No! This story is not ending

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