Chapter 18

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Bella POV

He dragged me into the the hall way.

I was really hopping I saw Matt there.

I don't know what this kid was capable of. He has my arm in a tight grip and it really hurts.

He dragged me into a small corner and kicked me causing me to fall to the ground. He attempted to kick me again. But someone tackled him to the ground.

I see Taylor on top of the boy. I was now crying. I head was really hurting and I couldn't breathe.

I saw Aaron come running over to me.

"Bella!" he screamed. I saw 3 more boys come over but I couldn't make out who they were.

I finally started to breath and my vision came back. Nash tried to pick me up but I told him I was and I got up and walked to the car.

I didn't look back but I knew they were all in shock.

I saw Matt running up to me. He engulfed me into a hug.

"Bella your eye?!" He ask shocked.

By now the guys were surrounding me.

"What happened!?" Matt shouted.

"Well we-" Taylor started, but I cut him off.

"I just fell and hit my face on the trash biggy." I said lying. I really didn't want Matt to know. all the guys took the hint and shut up.

We all walked back to the car in silence.

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