Chapter 37: White Christmas (Hannah)

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I had just finished wrapping Justin's present when Hailey finally allowed the boys in Christmas morning.

Dad wasn't too pleased with the decision of both boys staying over for the day while we exchanged presents. Mason and Justin, once so close it was hard to break them apart, were relieved to finally be in the presence of females after spending two and a half days together.

"One more night with this whipped dipstick and I would have died." Mason groaned, leaning his head against my shoulder the second he walked through the door, "He's all yours now."

"I missed you." Justin pulled me into his familiar, warm embrace, his lips coming in contact with my forehead seconds later.

"It was two days, Justin." I smiled, turning my back to him long enough to grab his present, "I guess you really can't live without me, can you?"

"An I missed you too would have been nice." He muttered, shaking his head as he took the two presents I had wrapped for him and sat on the loveseat. I met my dad's eyes for a moment, and out of spite, moved and sat on Justin's lap, draping my arms around his neck as he unwrapped his presents.

My eyes flickered toward my sister and Mason for a minute. With her brown hair, she looked almost unrecognizable. It made her green eyes more prominent against her fair skin, her dark lips draining a lot of the color from her cheeks. She still looked beautiful, and happier than ever as she nudged Mason's shoulder with her own as they exchanged presents.

"Are you kidding me?" Justin gasped, "Is this what I think it is?" He pulled out the NFL sweatshirt, Tom Brady's number and last name printed against the back in thick white letters. Below that was a signature from Tom himself.

"No way!" Mason was momentarily distracted as he stared at the sweatshirt, "How the hell did you manage to get that, Han?"

"Sophia's Mom met him on one of her flights and knew that I had been trying to get one online for a reasonable price and got him to sign a sweatshirt for Justin. She's amazing." Justin was still too shocked to say anything, but Mason turned to my sister an expectant look, as if he thought he would receive something similar from her.

"And these are?" Justin muttered once he had regained composure, his eyes on the small, neatly wrapped boxes in a gift bag.

"Open them genius." Hailey responded before I could. He pulled the smallest box out first, frowning as he unwrapped it.

"Keys? Han, babe, did you buy me a car?" he joked, tightening his grip around my waist.

"No." I rolled my eyes, "They're apartment keys. Hailey and Mason are getting an apartment together and I. . . I thought we could take the free room. Hailey and Mase agreed too."

He was quiet for so long that I thought he might push me off and walk out of the room, but the theory was ripped away from me when he nodded slowly and continued to open through the rest of the the presents.

"Condoms? Okay, thanks." Justin winked. I saw Mason throw himself back against the couch with a sigh.

"Great, now my present will just be more stock for you guys." I laughed, shaking my head as Justin opened the final present.

"Hey, isn't this the Promise Ring I got you Freshman year?" he frowned, eyes glistening with amusement, "Why are you giving it back?"

"You said the day you gave it to me that you promised it would only be temporary and you wanted it back before graduation so you could get it made into a wedding band." I replied, resting my head against his chest, "Remember?"

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