18. Sour Patch Kid

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"I'm coming to bed so if y'all are fucking well you might want to stop." Ty shouts from outside my bedroom door and I almost choke on the piece of turkey I was eating. I look over at Asher and see him smirking and then his eyes light up with mischief.

"Oh! Baylor! Yea-"
He moans but I cut him off as I grab my pillow and smack him across the face with it and he starts busting out laughing. My face is burning bright red but I'm not going to lie I'm really turned on right now. What's going on with me lately! Asher is driving me insane!

"Woah! Bay!" Ty shouts from outside the door and I get up and open the door.

"We were not having sex!" I shout incredulously and I look back at Asher whose currently walking towards our bathroom door with a smug smile on his face as he giggles carrying the plate of food.

"Nah she was just dreaming we were." Asher says and winks at me before closing the door.

"No I wasn't." I shout and roll my eyes.

"I was." Ty says as he smirks in Asher's direction and I just roll my eyes and go back to my bed and lay down.

"God I bet he is gorgeous under that suit." Ty says lustfully and I gag.

"Ty! That is my room mate!"

"Is that the only reason you don't want me going after him?" Ty raises his eyebrows suggestively and I just shake my head as I turn out the light.

"Goodnight Tyler Stone."


"Bay. Bayy. Bayyy go make us breakfast. Bayyyyy."
Ty won't shut up as he lies beside me in my bed and I really just want to smack him in the face right now.

"Don't you have a boarding school to get back to."

"You can't get rid of me that easy. Now go make us breakfast." Grudgingly I get up and head to the kitchen. Groggily with my eyes half open I open up the fridge and search for the eggs. I hear a sizzling coming from beside me and I look towards the stove to see Asher already making eggs, a smirk clear across his face.

"Did you even look in the mirror before you walked out here?" He asks with a laugh tugging on his lips.


"You look like you've been ran over by a bus." He states then turns back around towards his eggs and I take a seat at the bar.

"Well ty has to have a goodbye breakfast so I came out here to cook for him, but looks like you got it right?"
I ask him with a big sleepy smile and he turns towards me and laughs as he slides his egg onto a plate.

"Yea. No."
He states and puts the pan down and grabs his plate, walks to the toaster and grabs his toast, and then walks to her bedroom and shuts the door. And I thought we were getting somewhere.

Lazily I get up and start making breakfast. Ten minutes later the foods done and I go back into my room to get Ty.

"Your food is done Dudley." I say with a grin and Ty sits up, gives me an odd look and walks into the kitchen.


"I wish you didn't have to go back." Leah says to Ty as we stand at the elevator outside my apartment.

"I'm surprised I even got to leave. My father told them he didn't want me back but I snuck out anyway. I had to see my two best friends and my best friends sexy ass room mate."

"Sorry to break it to ya but I don't think you're gonna get the guy." I tell him with a pat on the back and we both laugh but it soon turns to a sad one as he pulls me in a hug.

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