A letter to my fans

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Wow. Where do I begin?

Words cannot express how much joy each and everyone of you bring me! Thank you so much for the constant outpouring of love and support!

Your comments make my day! I swear I read every single one and bust out laughing at you bitching at Cam or yelling at Asher. I love you all!

I am mind blown to say I have one million reads on my book!!! That's insane!?!! I never thought of having over 1000. You guys are the reason I am pursuing my dreams as a writer and am furthering my education to do so!

So thank you to everyone reading this❤️

You all deserve the world and I will continue to write more stories for you all!

  Also if anyone ever needs anything please reach out. You don't have to hurt alone, people are always there willing to help❤️

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