10. Tipsy?

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"Fine whatever. Give me that." I tell Leah as I snatch her cup out of her hand and start chugging it. Once I drink it all I hand it back to her and turn around and bump into a hard chest. I look up and see dancing green eyes.

"Well I was gonna make up some lame excuse as to bumping into you but I guess I don't have to now." Drew smiles at me and I can feel my cheeks heat up so I look away.

But instead of looking to the side or down at the ground like a normal shy person, I do the opposite. I check him out. I look over his outfit, which isn't too special. He's wearing dark jeans and a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons unbuttoned showing off the large tattoo on his chest that I haven't noticed before. He's as sexy as ever.

"No costume?"
I ask him trying to play it off like I was looking at his outfit instead of checking him out.

He gives me a smirk and looks at me for a moment before replying. "No, didn't have time."

"Yea Leah forced me into wearing this." I motion towards my excessively tight costume.

"I think you look hot." He says and at that, I start busting out laughing. Which is honestly probably rude, but all I can do right now is look around for Asher. I spot him on the other side of the pool and call out his name as I wave my hands over my head.

His stormy blue eyes meet mine as he looks at me quizzically, then with both hands I point to Drew.

"One to nothing."
I shout and he points to a girl he was talking to and smirks as he holds up one finger on each hand telling me it's one to one.

I roll my eyes and look back at drew who is staring at me with questioning eyes.

"Okay, me and Asher have a bet, who looks better in their costume."

"Well, you're obviously going to win." He winks at me and then steps behind me towards the keg.

"What is Asher suppose to be anyway?" Drew asks and my mouth drops open and I stare at him.

"Really! Have you never seen the Wonder Woman movie?" I ask him incredulously and he just shrugs as he pumps the keg.

"He's Steve Trevor! Wonder woman's love of her life."

"Wait so are y'all here together?" He asks and my shoulders slump and I grudgingly hold one finger up to drew as I take a few steps over to Leah where she was talking to Cam.

She looks at me but I don't even look at her, I grab her drink, roll my eyes at her, then chug it and hand it back to her.

She doesn't even say anything, she just stands there with a smug smile on her face knowing why I did that. I walk back up to Drew and explain to him the deal I and Leah made and he laughs.

"So you and Asher aren't together?" He asks knowingly and I just roll my eyes with a smile.

"Are yer trying to get me drunk?" I ask him playfully and he shrugs as he pulls his drink up to his smirking lips.

"I mean it would be hilarious to see you drunk. You're so uptight all the time." My mouth drops at this.

"I am nert uptight!" I slur defensively, but I know he's right. Ever since the accident and these damn memories coming back I haven't really let loose. I've been so stressed out. I can't decide whether to tell Asher everything I remember or to keep it to myself until I remember everything. Someone obviously used me to cover up their stupidness. I just need to figure out who. Maybe I already know, but I just don't want to think about it.

"Alright prove it."

"Prove it how?" I ask him and he smirks and looks around.

"Jump off the roof and into the pool."

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