•~•CHAPTER 6•~•

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Enjoy Mason 😜😍
...and the update! Let me know what you think!!

I arrive at my first class in record time and immediately check in with the teacher so I don't have to say my name out loud.

The first 3 lessons all begin like this and then go by smoothly. But it was fourth period now and I had Mason in this class. Time for the ultimate test. I checked in again and then walked to the back of the room by the window. Mason wasn't here yet and I took the time to spray a bit more perfume on. I felt like a spy to be honest.

If you're wondering, the reason Mason and I hadn't met as mates before was because I hadn't turned 17 until almost two weeks ago and for the three weeks before Conner left, we stayed home. He wasn't ready to just let me go and he said that we needed 'us' time. We basically had watched movies, snacked, and I got beat up constantly over those 17 days alone with him.

Anyway, I had always been one to cower when Mason and his friends walked into the room. But not this time. I was on high alert the second I smelled his scent. And then my posture stiffened impossibly more when he walked in... With some ginger bitch clinging to his arm.

Sure, he looked bored of his mind and repulsed by her but the fact that she was touching MY mate was a big no. I had to restrain the growl that was bubbling up in my throat, simply because I couldn't reveal myself yet.

"Mason, baby! Why are you ignoring me today?"

"I told you already Carly. I found my mate," he suddenly snaps at her.

"Well obviously you found your mate. I mean I've been your girlfriend for months!"

"You are not my mate Carly! And we have never dated!"

"I am your mate! How dare you say that about us. You are sleeping on the couch tonight!" She stomps away from him and goes to sit in the front of the room with some other slut she knows. Mason groans irritably and walks to the back of the room.

My sour mood lightens immediately and my heart starts racing at super speed. He plops down in the seat next to me, totally oblivious to the fact that I'm his mate.

My heart rate was still skyrocketing so I moved myself closer to the window to create distance and lower our chances of touching.

Mason suddenly looks over at me and my eyes widen before I quickly avert them. I see him smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"Are you new?" It takes me a second to realize he's talking to me and when I do I'm pretty shocked. He doesn't really talk to many people outside his group so this is really weird. He must still feel a small pull to me. Damn pull.

My eyes roll over his face. Light stubble covered his jaw and upper lip. He looks tired but still handsome. So incredibly handsome. His thick hair falls wildly and when he pushes his hand through it, I can see why. His eyes mesmerize me still and I quickly realize I've been staring far too long. "It's complicated," I finally whisper out.

"Okay, Ms. Complicated. What's your name?"

"Sage." The name rolls off my tongue before I can stop it. I'll admit that I really want to hear my name fall from his lips. God that sounded cliché. What the hell is he doing to me?

"That's pretty. Do you know anyone here? At the school I mean."

I shrugged in reply. I had friends, but if I hang out with them that would blow my cover. I'm taking this too far aren't I?

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