Surprise Guests

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(They bought their tickets and their snacks)
At the till:
(Leon and Violetta were buying their snacks together)
Leon: (as Violetta was about to get her purse out) don't worry, I'll pay.
Violetta: I can't let you do that! You already bought my ticket!
Leon: Yes you can, it's my treat to you!
Violetta: Please I feel bad.
Leon: Don't feel bad. I want to be a good boyfriend to you so please the snacks are on me.
Violetta: You already are a great boyfriend. Are you sure? I really don't mind paying..
Leon: I'm sure. (Hands the cashier the money)
Violetta: (as they are walking to the screening room) thank you Leon. You're literally the best.
Leon: Anything for you my love.
(They all sat down and watched the adverts waiting for the film to start)
During the adverts:
Violetta: (was eating Love-hearts, and she picked one out saying 'You're My Everything) (hands it to Leon) for you, read what it says)
Leon: (reads what is says) you're my everything too. (Strokes her cheek with his hand and leans in to kiss her but they get interrupted by someone...)
Ludmilla: Viluuu, can you move out of the way please, I'm trying to get to my seat.
Violetta: Ludmilla, what are you doing here?
Ludmilla: I've come to see the movie of course!!
Leon: Yeah obviously but who are you with? (Confused at who would actually go out with Ludmilla)
Ludmilla: My boyfriend of course! (sees their confused faces) Federico!!
(Federico pops out from behind Violetta)
Federico: Hey guys! Ludmi, I never knew you went and told the others to come. You're amazing.
Ludmilla: (confused and then realises she has to lie to please Federico) well that's how great of a girlfriend I am. I even bought Maxi and Naty with us too!
Federico: Wow! This is the biggest date I've ever been with - 5 couples!!
Ludmilla: Well Fede, when you are with me you get to experience some of my greatest ideas.
Violetta: (quietly to herself) I wonder where she gets them from (sarcastically).
Ludmilla: What did you say Violet?
Violetta: My name is VioletTTA and please could you sit down, the film is about to start.
Federico: Of course.
(They found their ways to their seats)

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