18. DRuuUnkK

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a/n: Yesterday went terrible for me. As i had mentioned previously in another chapter, it was going to be my first official meeting with my psychologist for my therapy sessions. I went home nervous after school and wet to my bedroom. I started crying so much I could not stop, then i realized I could not breath. I was having a panic attack, but I'm used o having them by now so I knew how to calm myself down.

I grabbed for my phone, lay down in my bed, and played the song Fake You Out. This song means so much to be and always has ever since day one. I always listen to it whenever I am sad, stressed or just having a hard time. It's the first thing I always turn to and I honestly don't know what I'd do without this music.

So basically, I got put on medication which I don't know if I'm happy about. I don't want to be living my life of some drug to be keeping me alive, but I'll still take it.|-/

Any way that's enough rambling about my sad life of mine. Here's the next chapter, I've been excited to write this one :)


Tyler's Pov:

Me, Brendon and Josh had gotten off the bus and finally arrived at the building where the party was being held. I had butterflies in my stomach as I had never really been to a party before.

The three of us walked down beside the building into this dark alleyway. Was this where we were meant to be going? This did not seem right. The entrance to the building was back there at the front. Am I going to die? Was this some sort of plot to kill me? No no no, I'm far too young to die.

I'm probably just over reacting, Josh knows where he is going, right? Brendon does not seem to be scared so why should I. But as I think of it, I haven't know Josh for that long. Do I really trust him? I don't really know much about him, so technically he's a stranger. And strangers are dangerous, my mum always told me to stay away from them. Oh no, oh no, I'm breathing heavily. Calm down Tyler, you'll be okay. But is he a stranger? Stranger danger! STRANGER DANGER!

Brendon noticed my breathing pace and stopped walking to put a hand on my shoulder. "Sshhh, Tyler breath. In and out, in and out."

In and out I repeated in my head and I carried on breathing.

"Just ignore anything your head is telling you, you'll be alright." I nodded my head then looked over to Josh who's eyes were filled with nothing but concern.

"I should not have dragged you out here tonight," Josh said guiltily and running a hand through his red hair.

"No no, I'm fine. I promise," I replied reassuringly. I did not want to ruin anyone elses fun.

We followed Josh until we reached a metal back door to the building. I could hear loud music booming from the other side. Josh knocked on the door and it opened revealing a man in a black hoodie and jeans.

The man eyed Josh suspiciously as if he were waiting for some sort of confirmation from him.

"It's Dun," Josh said to the man, "Joshua Dun."

The man nodded and immediately swung open the door letting the three of us in then shut the door behind us.

I adjusted my eyes to the darkness and bright neon lights shining through out the basement. The room was filled with drunken teenagers dancing to the thumping music and it the corner of the room there was, what looked like to be, a bar.

The three of us made our way over to the bar where Pete, Patrick, Jack, Alex and Ryan were standing.

"Hey guys," both Brendon and Josh greeted while I cowardly stood behind them not saying anything. Patrick noticed me and smiled, "hi Tyler."

~BASKETBALLS~ (Joshler) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now