You saved me (eddie vedder)

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My eyes fluttered open as I coughed up water. A man smiled a bit at me.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay!" He exclaimed.

"What happened?" I asked. Last I remembered, I was surfing.

"You would have drowned if I didn't save you. Why were you surfing? The waters are very risky today," He questioned as I sat up.

"I don't know... I knew the waters were bad but I just love surfing so much," I smiled a bit, making him smile back.

"I love surfing too!! I'm Eddie," he told me.

"I'm becca. Thank you so much Eddie, you saved my life!" He pulled me into a hug.

"Anything for a gorgeous, fellow surfer," he chuckled a bit as I blushed.

lol this sucks rip

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