fake number (Anders Nyström)

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I grinned to myself as I sat on my bed. I met a cute and super sweet guy while at a movie theater tonight, and he gave me his number! I took a breath and summoned the courage to message him.

Hey! It's Becca :)

I'm sorry, who are you?

It's Becca from the movie
theater! We were both seeing
Doctor Sleep and we were
talking about other Stephen
King movies we liked!

Well that sounds like it
was a good time, but I wasn't
at the theaters tonight, I think
he gave you a fake number :/

Well damn that sucks.
Thanks for taking time to
reply though. Have a good day
man ✌🏻

Wait, you said you saw Doctor Sleep? How was it?

It was awesome! You should
go see it if you get the chance.

Even though I don't know why the guy from the movie theater gave me a fake number, I had a great time talking to my new friend, Anders! He is a movie buff like me! Plus he is a total cutie, so I'd say tonight was a good night!

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