The floodgates of hell (Jerry Cantrell)

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I've written so many one shots about periods so don't complain about the title, I've been drained dry 😆

I was hanging out at Alice in Chains' house, sitting on a chair cuddling with Jerry when I suddenly got very bad cramps. I groaned as I cuddled closer to Jerry, hoping that would somehow help.

"Uhh babe are you alright?" Jerry hesitantly asked.

"No I have cramps," I whimpered. Jerry's eyebrows  furrowed.

"Oh ok well uhh.. just take some deep breaths hun," Jerry patted my shoulder. I shot daggers at him.

"Take a deep breath?? Take a deep breath!! It feels like my insides are being shredded up with a chainsaw by Satan himself, how the hell is taking a deep breath supposed to help?!" I snapped.

"..... hold your breath then?" Jerry said uncertainly, making the rest of the guys crack up at his ridiculous answers.

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