i'm only here for the dog (Ben Hardy)

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I inwardly sighed as I got water, not being able to escape the reek of alcohol and the loud noise no matter where I went. Tonight I decided to be adventurous, and tag along with my friend to a party. It wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be, i was ready to go home. But my friend definitely was not. My thought process on how to get out of here faster was stopped when I saw a big water bowl and food dish. Does this mean an animal lives here?? Suddenly my curiosity perked up, and I felt the need to go searching for it. I opened the door that led to the basement, quickly shutting it behind me to make sure no one saw or decided to follow me. Once I got down there, I was greeted to a somewhat small dog barking, and jumping up on me. I giggled at it.

"Hey little fella!" I exclaimed, sitting down on the carpet to let him sit with me. I giggled more as he gave me kisses all over my face.

"I see you've discovered Frankie," I jumped at the sound of a voice behind me. Frankie barked as he ran to what I would assume was his owner. I stood up and turned around to face the man.

"I'm sorry I saw dog things upstairs and I wanted to come look for it... I'm sorry I didn't mean to go snooping where I should have but everything going on up there was too much for me," i nervously fidgeted with the ends of my hair. The man chuckled.

"No worries. In the same way at parties at other peoples houses; always seeking out the pet," we exchanged a grin before he held his hand out.

"I'm Ben,"

"Becca," I shook his hand, smiling warmly. Together we stayed downstairs, playing with Frankie. At 3 am we finally went back upstairs to end the party. I stayed to help him usher everyone out and make sure they had a safe way of getting home, as well as help clean up. We didn't get done with all of that until nearly 6 am.

"I should really get home now," I spoke softly, struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Darling you're too tired to travel home. Come on, you can crash here." Ben offered a sleepy grin at me. I smiled as he led me upstairs. Ben, Frankie, and I cuddled up, and quickly fell asleep.

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