Popcorn (Steven Adler)

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I searched through my dvd collection, trying to find something to watch while Steven made the popcorn. While I was debating between a few different movies, my train of thought got thrown off the tracks when I heard a scream come from the kitchen, along with lots of popping. I ran into the kitchen to see Steven hiding under the kitchen table, while popcorn flew out of the pot in various directions.

"Bean help the popcorn got out of control!" He screamed. I covered my face with my hands, and ran to turn the stove off. Once I removed my hands from my face, I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Steven asked.

"Well first of all, you didn't need to use that many popcorn kernels," I snickered at the fact that he had a big stock pan halfway filled with them "and second, you needed to put a lid over the pan before popping them," I smiled.

"Well how was I supposed to know how to make popcorn," he shrugged.

"It's common sense, popcorn," I grinned at my new nickname for Steven. He would never live this one down!

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