Late Night Skype Calls (Tom Holland)

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I grinned as I answered Tom on Skype. His face lit up once he saw me, and I'm sure mine did the same.

"Darling, hello!!" He exclaimed. I giggled, hes just like a puppy when he gets excited.

"Hey Tom!" I chirped. Tom is currently away filming Spider-Man : Homecoming. He doesn't have a lot of free time since he is occupied with filming of course, so every call, text, and video chat means the world to us.

"How is the movie coming along?" I asked. His eyes lit up, and started to talk about how much he was enjoying it. I love seeing how passionate he is about his career. We spent a lot of time catching each other up on what has been going on for us.

"Shoot tom, isn't it getting late there? You need to get a good night of rest."

"Ahh, yeah, I should probably go to bed, but I really don't want to," he smiled at me.

"Yes. Get some rest Tommy,"I murmured.

"You too darling. I'll text you in the morning!"

"I'll do the same. Good night love,"

"Good night Becca," Tom blew me a kiss, and I did the same to him before hanging up.

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