Matching Tattoos (Ryan Blaney)

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"Are you nervous babe??" Ryan asked me for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

"Only a little,you dork," I chuckled. Today we are getting matching tattoos, which was also going to be my first one. We were doing lightsabers on our right index fingers, his was going to be blue and mine will be red. Several people warned us about how you shouldn't get tattoos that tie in with your significant other in the event that we split up, but we are not convinced that is going to happen. I know he is the only man I'll ever want and need, and he feels the same way about me. So, we decided this would be a nice little present to celebrate us. Ryan watched me closely as the guy started to tattoo my finger. I felt my face scrunch up, but it did not really hurt by any means. Before I knew it, it was done.

"Wow babe, I'm proud of you! You didn't cry or nothin," ryan grinned at me. I couldn't think of a witty response, so I just rolled my eyes and grinned at him. He sat down in the chair to get his tattoo done next. He started to squirm in the chair as soon as that needle came in contact with his skin. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You okay Ry?" I questioned. I didn't know why he was flipping out, he already has 3 tattoos, this should be nothing to him by now.

"Yeah I'm good, it just feels weird." He said, continuing to squirm. He kept complaining about how weird it felt the time. In his defense, he "could really feel the needle against his bone, which just felt weird". He also claimed that he only sat through the pain because he loves me, but I know it's because he also loves Star Wars.

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