Home Again (Tom Holland)

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I guess this can be considered a part two to my most recent Tom Holland one shot, "Late Night Skype Calls" but it doesn't necessarily have to be :)

I tapped my foot anxiously as I waited by baggage claim for my incredible boyfriend, Tom Holland. He has been gone for months filming Spider-Man: Homecoming. Of course we talked every chance we could, but talking to him through a screen definitely does not even begin to compare to him actually being next to me. As soon as we saw each other, we started to run towards each other. We couldn't care less about th people who were giving us dirty looks. We collided into each others arms, and Tom held onto me as if his very existence depended on me. We shared a deep but short kiss before finally speaking.

"I missed you so much," I whispered as I caressed his cheek with my hand.

"As I missed you. Come on darling,let's go home and relax." And so that's what we did. We cuddled while eating and watching Netflix. Neither of us really cared about the movie we had turned on, or the food. We were just happy to be in each others comfort again.

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