Metalli-who? (Chase Elliott)

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I was at the mall with my best friend Abbey, when a cute guy with a Metallica shirt caught my eye. Abbey noticed me staring at him, and changed our conversation topic.

"Well, why don't you go talk to him!" She exclaimed, offering a playful nudge.

"You know how I get though!" I whined. She placed her hands on her hips.

"Come on. I know you think hes cute. Plus, hes got a Kill 'Em All shirt on! Just start by complimenting the shirt. You guys will get a first date set up in no time!"

I let out a defeated sigh and approached the cute boy.

"Hey man, I'm digging the shirt, that's one of my favorite Metallica albums!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Metalli-who?" His voice sounded so sweet, but the words he just spoke were so sour. He's one of those people. You know what I'm talking about, one of those who just wears a band shirt because they think it looks cool.

"The band on your shirt, Metallica." He glanced down at his shirt.

"Oh, sorry my best friend gave me this as a birthday present. I don't listen to them but I felt bad for not wearing it because he was so excited to give it to me." He explained. I nodded.

"I see. Well, have a good day," I nodded at him before walking back to Abbey.

"Well, when's the first date?" She squealed.

"Never. He doesn't even listen to Metallica, hes only wearing it because a friend gave it to him. I dont need that kind of fakeness in my life."

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