Chapter 1: Intro

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WARNING! These chapters will be very short. But it is only because I was writing this story on my own before i decided to put it on wattpad. The chapters will become longer as I write more because I will be writing for you guys. I really hope you enjoy the story!

Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter and all the troubles he faced.

What if the story was different

What if Harry WASN'T the hero

What if the hero was his sister. His twin sister.

This is the story of Lia Potter, the girl who lived.

Back when Voldemort attacked the Potters' home there were two Potter children, one girl and one boy. Harry and Lia. James and Lily loved both of their children with all of their hearts

When Voldemort came knocking on the door and killed James, Lily was in the middle of bathing Harry. She came out of the bathroom to see what the issue was, and saw the dark lord himself hovering over her precious Lia. Voldemort noticed lily standing off to the side and put on his twisted smile, without even second guessing himself he killed her, but her dying wish was for her children to be safe.

What Voldemort did not notice was a small heart birthmark forming on the neck of Lia, the same mark is worn by Harry as well. That heart is a sign of their mother's love, and will protect them until they turn 17.

Voldemort turns his attention back to Lia and casts the killing curse "AVADA KEDAVRA" there is a flash of green and Voldemort is gone, his power has been drained, he is not dead, just weak.

Still sitting in the spot she was, Lia does not even notice anything happened. The only thing that changed for her was now there was a scar on her forehead, a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt. This scar forever links her to the dark lord. She is the chosen one, the girl who lived.

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