CHAPTER 7: The quidditch game

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I was shaking on my broom, today was the game that counted. Slytherin against gryffindor.

Draco was next to me holding my hand. "Gryffindor doesn't stand a chance, not with the best seeker and the best keeper on the same team." He tells me jokingly. It's no secret that I'm the best keeper the school has seen in hundreds of years. It's also no secret that Draco malfoy is a far better seeker than Harry. The game should be so easy, but why was I so worried?

I gave Draco a last kiss before we flew out of the slytherin entrance, arms waving, the slytherin tower starts cheering louder and louder. I can hear the crowd chanting "LICO!"

I smile at Draco and can tell he hears it too, to please our house he flies over to me and plants a kiss on my forehead "good luck, you'll do great." he whispers in my ear.

Soon madam hooch starts the match. I block almost every goal and soon we are up 110 to 40. I see Draco go into a steep dive and speed up, Harry sees him, but he's a split second late, Draco has caught the snitch and won slytherin the game.

We land on the field and I run over to Draco and he lifts me up and swings me around. "WE WON!" I scream as he lowers me and kisses me. "It's all thanks to you!" he says with a smile and a little gleam in his eyes.

"It had to do with an amazing seeker catching the golden snitch too though." I say with a wink. Draco laughs.

Later in the common room there is a party to celebrate the win.

Draco so far has spent the entire night by my side. He brushes a hand against my cheek and whispers "I'm gonna go get us some drinks, i'll be right back." I nod and start talking to some 3rd years. 

Andy maypole comes over to talk to me. Andy is a 5th year slytherin that has shagged almost all of the girls in his year, he's a huge player.

He comes up to me and compliments me on my flying, I can smell fire whiskey on his breath, god, he's drunk.

Andy slowly gets closer to me, so close that his chest is against mine, and he leans in to kiss me and I lean back and whimper.

Soon I see a furious Draco out of the corner of my eye. He pulls Andy away from me and punches him in the face.

A full on fight breaks out in the slytherin common room. Draco against Andy. Draco is far superior, but Andy is strong and manages to hit Draco a few times in the face. Draco pushes him to the floor and pins him down, Punch after Punch going to Andy's face. "THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!" he screams over and over.

"IMMOBULUS!" I scream. Andy and Draco freeze as two seventh year slytherin boys pull them away. I reverse the spell and pull Draco up and into the hallway to examine the damage. He has a scratch through his eyebrow, and blood slowly coming from his nose.

He looks down as I look him over to make sure he's ok. I can't imagine I look very pleased.

"Love, I'm sorry, ok? It bothered me to see him all over you, you're mine and he can't have you. I won't let anyone touch you." He says with a somber look "Draco I had it under control." I hiss. He looks at me with hurt in his eyes from my tone. "Love..." he starts.

"No Draco, why did you feel it was necessary to start a full on fight in our common room! You nearly killed Andy!" I raise my voice at the last part. 

"Lia listen to me." He says with harshness in his tone.

"What have you got to say for yourself" I say with my eyebrow raised, obviously not impressed.

Draco gulps and looks me in the eye.

"I LOVE YOU, I don't want to see you with anybody but me. Because you are mine and I am yours. I will protect you as long as I live, and no one will ever come near you and be allowed to do that." He says.

My eyes widen. I'm completely shocked. He loves me? HE LOVES ME!

"Draco you have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that. I love you so much." I say with a smile.

His face immediately lights up.

"How long have you known you love me?" I ask.

"Our first date, when I picked you up and spun you around in the water." he replies sheepishly.

I immediately smile.

"How long have you loved me?" He asks

"when I had my head on your shoulder, The day when you said you didn't trust the boys around a beautiful girl like me." I reply with a smile. Draco walks over and wraps his arms around me.

I close my eyes and let myself melt into him. Not wanting this moment to end. I know it sounds silly, but I could drown in Draco's scent. He smells like the beach, but not in a fishy way.

Draco scoops me up and carries me back to the slytherin common room where he walks into my room and places me on my bed. Then we both start hysterically laughing as we realize how ridiculous that probably looked.

We lay down, my head on Draco's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Draco was mine and I was his. That's how I always wanted it to be. We fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms. 

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