CHAPTER 16: Pansy

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We arrive back to hogwarts and I kiss ron goodbye. I've spent the entire night in the gryffindor common room and it's time for me to go back to mine.

"Bye love, see you tomorrow" he says with a smile.

I walk back to the common room alone. I never used to realize how quiet hogwarts is without people in the halls. Now I see it every night as I leave the gryffindor common room.

I walk into the slytherin common room and sit next to lily and Elizabeth. Who just so happen to be sitting across from malfoy. Great. Just great.

Lily and I talk about ron while Ivy makes googly eyes at Blaise. Another player from slytherin.

I notice pansy walk over to Draco. She attempts to talk to him but he's too busy staring at me to notice.

Pansy gets frustrated and sits down on his lap. She starts to violently make out with him. I don't know what to do first. Laugh or puke.

Draco obviously thinks it will bother me because he sets pansy off the the side. He might be snogging her, but he has his eyes open the entire time, staring at me. He's looking for a reaction. If I stand and get up now he'll surely follow me.

I'll play his little game.

I stand and leave the slytherin common room. I'll spend the night with ron. After all he is a prefect and has his own room.

Just as I thought. A minute after I leave the common room a particular little blonde boy follows me out.

"Where are you going love?" He asks me. "Can it malfoy, I'm not your 'love'" I spit. 

I wish I could see his face when I said that.

"I don't think things will be like this much longer." Draco states. "What makes you think that" is ask. So close. Almost at the gryffindor common room now.

"Because I still love you, and I know deep down you're still in love with me. I intend on making you realize it" he says. I assume he's smirking.

2 more turns and there will be the common room.

"Draco when will you realize that I have no love for you. I lost it when you betrayed me" I say "lion smile" I say. Dumb password for the common room.

Before I enter I turn around. Draco looks shocked. I don't think he realized where we were going. "Coming in?" I ask mockingly.

"Actually, yes" he says and follows me in.

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