CHAPTER 38: The ball

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Later that night I go visit Cedric, Draco comes with me.

I run into the Hufflepuff common room, straight into Cedric's arms. He kisses me gently on the forehead and holds me tight against him.

"Hey Li, what's up?" he asks. I grin and reply with "Oh, Draco and I were just bored and I wanted to come see you! Talk about the next task and all."

Suddenly some of Cedric's friends show up in the common room. "Oh lord, the snake is back. Ooh, and she's brought along her little serpent boyfriend. I suppose Cedric isn't thrilled about that. He doesn't get his little slut to himself." they sneer. Draco's face goes red as he grabs me from Cedric. "Come Li, we're leaving." He hisses.

I shake myself from him and stop. "Draco, they're just assholes, relax." I say calmly before turning around to walk back to Cedric. He starts walking to Draco with his arms out "Draco, listen..." He starts. Draco cuts him off "Cut it Diggory." He begins before turning to me "we'll talk when you get back to the common room." He spits before turning and leaving.

I glare at Cedric's friends, but before I can curse them Cedric grabs my hand and pulls me into him room.

Once the door closes I lean back and slide down the wall. "I doubt Draco and I are going to the ball now, huh." I say with half a smirk before a tear falls. Cedric sits down next to me and pulls me into a hug. He wipes the tears away and shushes me. "Li, It's ok, if anything you have me. You'll always have me." he says softly.

I turn Cedric and smile a little. "Thanks Ced" I say. Suddenly I grab his face and press his lips to mine. He kisses back a bit before pulling away and saying "Li, this is wrong. We're best friends, and you're with Draco still." He says. I smirk and whisper "I'm not gonna be with Draco much longer, and we're best friends, but you can't deny, it feels so damn right."

With that he presses his lips back to mine and I moan a little. I start to kiss his neck and realize what I'm doing. "Fuck. Draco's gonna kill me." I whisper. Cedric pulls away from me and smiles weakly. "Let's just forget this happened." he says softly. I smile and hug him. "I won't forget it. That was amazing. It just wasn't right. Maybe another time." I say softly.

Cedric smirks and stands up. He puts down a hand from me to grab. I grab it and he pulls me up. "I should probably go see Draco." I say softly before he nods. Cedric gives me one last hug and I leave.

I'm almost at the common room when I see Draco leaned against a wall. I go up to him and smile softly. He walks away from me muttering "Go away Lia."

I grab his arm and try to stop him "Draco, stop we need to talk." I say. He turns back to me, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Really? Do we? I think we both know this is over Lia, There's no hope left for us. Cedric's friends are right. He probably wanted you to himself. I can't do this any more Lia, he's in love with you. It bothers me. You're probably kissing him behind my back and I don't even know!" He says.

I look at him "That's what you meant then, when you left their common room. We're over. You're done?" I start. He nods and I continue. "Draco I love you. So goddamn much. I kissed Cedric tonight. I didn't feel anything. Draco I need you." I say, holding up my ring.

Draco glares at me "You kissed him huh? I knew something was going on between you! I'm not going to be played by you again Lia. This, Us, is over." He spits before grabbing my ring off my finger. "Wait! Draco. I can't even keep the ring? That's mine!" I say.

Draco glares at me and hisses "You don't need it you little slut, I'm sure Cedric would be happy to buy you another one."

Tears start streaming down my cheeks and Draco looks away. "Lia, this is how it's meant to be. Get used to it. Oh, and by the way, you better get a new date to the dance." he mutters before turning and starting to walk away.

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