CHAPTER 23: Harry's confrontation

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We finally get back to hogwarts and Draco comes with me to my room. He lays down on the bed and before I know it he's asleep with marshmallow right next to him.

I leave my room for the gryffindor common room, I really wanna catch up with the trio.

I enter the common room to see Harry by himself. I go over to Him and tap him on the shoulder. "You ok bro?" I ask.

"Just worried" he replies. I sit down on the floor in front of him cross legged. "Worried about what?" I ask. "Worried about you" he says.

Why is he worried about me?

"But I'm fine Harry, why are you worried about me?" I question. "Let me explain something" he says. I look into his eyes questioning what could be going on in his head. Slowly I nod and he takes a deep breath.

"I'm worried that Draco is a little TOO obsessed with you. He finds the need to CONSTANTLY be with you. If he's not he starts to freak out. He always wants to know where you are. I wouldn't be surprised if he were freaking out right now looking for you. He's becoming stalkerish Lia. I know you care deeply for him, but he's becoming a little too obsessed for a 14 year old. Don't you think?"

I blink a couple times. I never really thought about it like that. Harry has a point... I can go a while without knowing where Draco is or what he's doing, but he always seems to want to be with me. Even when I was with Ron. He was always watching me.

Just thinking about it creeps me out. I shudder from the thought of Draco stalking me.

"What do I do Harry? He won't stop if I tell him to, it might only make it worse" I ask. "I still think you should talk to him about it though. I know you just got him back and all, but he really needs to back off. At hogsmeade he only let you out of his sight to get a present for you. Then he immediately asked around to find you" he says.

"Really?" I say. Harry nods. "Thanks for the concern Harry." We both stand up and he gives me a hug. "One more thing Lia. Hasn't it ever dawned on you how he's constantly repeating over and over how he couldn't live without you and how you're his and no one else gets to have you. He talks about you as if he owns you. Like you're some pet of his. A freaky fetish I think, wanting to own your worst enemy's twin" he says.

Harry has a good point. I'll try to avoid Draco for the next couple days, see what he does.

I spend the night in hermione's prefect room. I told her me and Harry's plan for avoiding Draco and she completely agreed.

Before we went to bed we invited Ginny to come play truth or dare with us. We had popcorn and the three of us were on Hermione's king sized bed, taking turns. 

"Truth or dare" I ask Hermione. "Truth" she says. "Do you like anyone at Hogwarts, romantically" I say with a wink. Hermione rolls her eyes and says "yes"

Ginny goes next. "Lia, truth or dare" she asks. "Dare" I say with a smirk. "You're gonna regret that!" Ginny says. "I dare you to sit with us tomorrow and see what loverboy does!" She giggles. "Ok" I say with a laugh. "I'm trying to avoid him anyway" I say. Then me and Hermione explain the whole stalker situation as our plan. Ginny just nods and passes the game onto Hermione.

"Gin, truth or dare!" She says. "Dare!" Ginny answers. "I dare you to kiss Harry on the lips" hermione says with a smile. "Hello? Twin sister right here!" I say with a laugh. "But truthfully you two would be adorable!" I say giggling. Ginny just blushes red.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" Hermione yells at me jokingly. "Truth" I say. "Do you wish you were in gryffindor with Harry and all of us?" She asks. Hmm, do I? Sure, i'd love to spend more time with them. But on the other hand I wouldn't have met lily and Ivy. "No, I wouldn't have met any of my other friends from slytherin, and I still have Harry even though I'm in slytherin." Hermione nods at the answer.

"Truth or dare" I ask hermione. "Dare" she says. "I dare you to let me and Ginny call you 'mione' for the rest of this year, as a try out nickname!" "Ok" hermione says.

"Lia truth or dare" Ginny asks. "Dare!" I say. "I dare you to let us call you L for the rest of the year, a try out nickname" she says with a smirk.

And that ends our game. Now I'm L, Ginny is still Gin, and Hermione is Mione. The boys will be so confused tomorrow when they see us talking.

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