CHAPTER 37: The next task

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A week later I meet Cedric with my golden egg. We really need to figure out the secret so we will survive the next task.

We sit by the Black lake looking at our eggs. "I don't understand Ced, whenever we open them it just makes an awful screeching sound." Cedric nods and looks at the water.

"Wait. What if we tried to open it under water, sure it sounds like screaming in the air, but sound travels differently underwater." I say. Cedric nods and says "It couldn't hurt."

We both jump in the water with our eggs. "On three," I say "One, two, three!" We both dive underwater and open our eggs.

Suddenly we hear singing. The voices say something has been taken from us. What the hell?

Cedric and I rise from the water. "Ced, I don't think I've lost something, at least not anything important." I say. "Me neither, I don't understand." He says.

We return to our own separate common rooms, I see Harry waiting for me outside mine. "Did you figure it out?" He asks. The competition is in three days, you need to know what it is." He says. I nod and state "We put the egg in the water, Something was stolen from all the champions, we are supposed to find it. It's somewhere under the water in the Black lake."

Harry looks at me like I'm insane, "So you need to breathe underwater? How are you going to do that?!"

"I have no idea, I'll figure it out, I promise." I say. Harry nods before saying "well, I better get back to my common room, it's getting pretty late." I nod and kiss him on the cheek.

Three days later

I was called to professor Dumbledore's office early this morning. I arrive there with my gilly weed for the competition.

I see hermione there, with ron and fleur delacours younger sister.

Professor Dumbledore begins to speak "You have been selected as prizes for the champions, you will be hidden in the black lake and they must go one by one to find you. Lia, you will be hidden first since you need to compete later on. You will compete last. I will not tell you who your person to recover is. Now come with me so we can put you all to sleep." We follow professor dumbledore and soon are all asleep.


I haven't seen Lia all day, she left early this morning and never came back. I'm hoping she's at the competition.

I see Harry standing in the crowd. "Potter, where is Lia?" I ask. He turns to me with a worried look on his face. "I have no clue, Cedric hasn't seen her all day. I'm really feeling nervous." he starts to bite his finger nail. "Have you tried contacting her with your weird mind reading thing?" I ask.

His face looks even more worried "She won't answer, there's no reason she wouldn't answer. I hope nothing's happened to her."

"Well, then let's go look for her. She's got to be around here somewhere." I say.

Suddenly I see Diggory run by me. "Cedric! Have you found her?" I ask. He shakes his head. "She'll be ok. It's Li we're talking about, she can handle anything." He says. He's trying to act calm but I can tell he's freaking out.


Where the hell could she be? Li, I will never let you out of my sight ever again.

I walk up to my spot on the champions platform on the dock. Professor Dumbledore begins to speak. "Something has been stolen from each of our champions, one by one they will swim in the black lake to find their prize. The fastest one wins. Cedric Diggory will start."

I walk up to the diving area and cast my bubble charm. Li better show up soon or she'll lose the competition.

The shot goes off and I dive into the water. Within minutes I see four floating figures in the distance. As I swim closer I begin to see shapes, they're people!

Love will Rise (Draco Malfoy FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora