CHAPTER 12: The Weasleys

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I close my eyes as me and Harry approach the fire place in Draco's room. We will be traveling by floo powder to the Weasley burrow. Where we will spend the rest of our vacation.

"Harry, can I speak to Lia alone for a moment. Please. To say goodbye" draco asks. pleading.

Harry glances from me to Draco, I nod my head and he leaves the room.

"Darling. Er, Lia." He stutters. "Are you sure you want to leave?" The look on my face tells him yes. I just hope that he can see that my eyes say no. As much as I'm not supposed to I still love him and I would still gladly die for him.

"Lia. What are we?" He asks. A tear slowly falls from my eye. "We are nothing" I hiss. I see his eyes widen to show me the hurt. I hate to see him hurting. "I still love you Lia. Always have. Always will. I'll forever be here for you. If you need anything." He says reaching out to touch me.

"I do not need a protector" I state. His eyes go blank and I can tell. I've broken his heart. Tears start falling as I drag my trunk into the fire place. "The burrow" I sob as I see tears start to fall from Draco's eyes. Then he's gone in a flash of green.

I've done it. I've lost my true love.

Moments later Harry comes through the fireplace too. All of the weasleys surround us. Including the ones who graduated from hogwarts. Bill, Charlie, and Percy came back to celebrate the holidays with family I guess.

I break down in tears and fall onto the floor. Ron rushes over and picks me up to place me on the tattered sofa.

Harry briefly explains the situation at the manor. I close my eyes and somehow fall asleep. My dreams are haunted with memories of Draco.

I wake up to a hand on my forehead. Is it Draco! I hope

I open my eyes to find a sad Ron staring down at me. Slowly he kisses me on the forehead. I smile weakly. Gotta hand it to ron. Anything he does is bound to make me feel better.

He chuckles "how does THAT put a smile on your face?" He asks. "Idk maybe you've got a gift!" I say laughing. Ron blushes slightly "heh, maybe" he grins

Fred and George walk Into the room. "Wow Ronny boy, didn't take you long to pick her back up. You two a thing now?" George asks with a wink. I blush and look at Ron. Now that I think of it. I've always kinda felt a connection with him. Maybe now I can explore that and see what happens.

Ron looks at me and grins. Yep, he feels it too.

Ron holds out his hand. I take it graciously and he leads me to the table for breakfast. Ginny and hermione come running over to give me a hug. "Thanks girls, but I'm ok. Or at least I will be" and I smile at Ron. He blushes slightly.

Ron grabs my hand again and pulls out my chair for me. He sits down to my left, and Harry sits to my right. I look to my right and kiss Harry on the cheek. "Thanks for having my back bro." I whisper to him. He grabs my hand and traces circles on it.

"Always" he replies. Harry truly is the best brother a girl could ask for, and an even better twin. 

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