CHAPTER 3: Meeting my classmates

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I slowly realize what has just happened and I shakily stand and walk down to the slytherin table who applauds me on my way. I sit next to a little blonde boy who I assume is a first year. He turns to look at me and smirks, "I did not expect that." he exclaims. "That makes two of us" I reply with a laugh. "Anyway, I'm glad I can say the most beautiful girl in hogwarts is in my house." he says with a charming smile and a wink. "What's your name?" I ask suspicious. "Draco, Draco malfoy."

"Nice to meet you Draco Malfoy"


It's been four years and I still remember that day, and I still have barely spoken to malfoy since. He and Harry never really hit it off, they were always fighting and are basically enemies, I'm afraid of angering Harry by talking to Draco. 

I'm now top of my year, and there is yet one person to make a better potion than me.

Harry has made some friends over the years, hermione granger and Ronald Weasley to name some. I really like Ron and hermione, they've always treated me with respect despite the fact that I'm a slytherin and they're both gryffindor.

Me and Harry are still close as ever, we tell eachother everything and I trust him with my life.

Over the years at hogwarts I have made some friends too. My very best friends are lily chang and Ivy falls, both fellow 4th year slytherins. My other friend is Amy devereaux from hufflepuff. I am also extremely close with Cedric Diggory, another hufflepuff.

Today is the first day of my 4th year at hogwarts.

I only pay attention to when uncle announces the prefects at the welcome feast, because he has informed me that I am the girl prefect for slytherin.

"Now, time to announce our prefects! From gryffindor, Ron Weasley and hermione granger. From hufflepuff, Cedric diggory and Amy devereaux. From ravenclaw, Luna lovegood and Andrew braise, and finally from slytherin, Draco malfoy and Lily Potter.

Draco gives me a wink and I return it with a smile. This means we will be living close to each other, considering the prefects share a private bathroom that connects the two bedrooms.

Surprisingly, I'm glad my counterpart is Draco, I wouldn't have picked anyone else.

A couple weeks pass and I notice Draco starting to glance my way often, and blushing every time I catch him.

He speaks to me a lot more than he used to, and we've become friends.

But I really need to ask Harry if it's okay, because I'm slowly developing some feelings for Draco.

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