CHAPTER 30: waking up

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Slowly I open my eyes. Where am I? I know I've been here before... I try to move but my leg hits something. What the hell?

I look to my side to see Draco sleeping peacefully. I then look down to make sure I still have clothes on. Yep definitely didn't sleep with him. That's a relief.

Suddenly it all comes back to me. The kiss with Draco, date with ron, kidnapping by Blaise, and Draco rescuing me before I got raped. Wait. Draco saved me. God dammit why couldn't it have been Cedric or ron to save me. It HAD to be Draco. Thanks a lot universe.

I get off draco's bed and whack him with a pillow. He groans "what the hell are you doing. Go back to bed Lia."

"WHY did I wake up in here? Why didn't you bring me to my room?" I ask.

Draco sits up and stares at me "because I wanted to make sure you were ok." He answers blankly. "You could have at least told ron. He would have stayed with me" I say. "You really think I'm gonna tell the weasel Blaise tried to shag you? I'm pretty sure that's not a conversation that would have gone well. It's all up to you if you want to tell him or not." Draco says.

The hell? He thinks I'm NOT gonna tell my boyfriend that a guy tried drugged me, taped me to a wall, and tried to screw me? "I'm gonna tell him Draco. Because WE are honest with each other." I say. Draco shrugs and lays back down. "Thanks by the way." I whisper. He shoots back up with a smirk on his face "what did the great Lia Potter just say? Was that a thank you?" He says.

"Oh shut it you dork. I'm not COMPLETELY heartless" I say laughing. "Wait. So if ron didn't know about Blaise... what does he think I've been doing?" I ask. Draco looks at the floor. "I couldn't think of a good excuse. And he wouldn't want to hear that you're staying with me. So I just told him that you were holed up in your room studying and didn't want to be interrupted."


I really wish she was still laying next to me. I don't think she has any idea how much I miss her.

"Oh well thanks. I'll explain it all later. I'll even tell him you're my SAVIOR." She says with a smirk. I smile back.

All of the sudden she grabs her scar and falls to the floor.

What the hell?

I rush over to her. She's shaking and muttering a random language. I think she's connecting to Voldemort again. I wonder why she never told me this happens.

I pick her up and just hold her to my chest, trying to stop her from shaking. "DRACO HELP ME" she screams. I look down and her eyes are open. She's still grabbing her scar. But now there is blood dripping from it.

I pick her up and run out of my room, through the common room, and all the way to the infirmary.

"MADAME POMFREY" I scream. I see her run over "put her on the bed" she says. "What happened?" She asks.

"Well... she just grabbed her scar and fell on the ground. She was shaking. So I knelt next to her to see if I could wake her up. But then she woke up and her scar was bleeding. I didn't know what to do so I brought her here." I explain. "Will she be ok?" I ask.

Madame pomfrey looks at her and says "well considering I have no idea why she's bleeding or where the blood is coming from I don't know if she will be ok." I can tell she's worried.

By this point Lia has closed her eyes and is breathing heavily. "Fix... fix it" she mutters before losing consciousness.

"I'll clean up the blood. Looks like it's stopped now" Madame pomfrey says. She continues to rush around gathering supplies. Then she begins to wipe off the blood on lias forehead. "Huh" she says. "The blood isn't coming from Lia."

"What? That's not possible. Who's blood could it be?" I ask. Madame pomfrey shakes her head. "I don't know. But there would have been at least one sign of bleeding."

"How did the blood end up on her then?" I ask. "I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine" she says.

"When she wakes up you can just take her and leave. Just keep an eye on her. If it happens again take her to me and we will inform professor dumbledore." Madame pomfrey says before walking away.

I should really tell ron. I grab a piece of parchment and write him a note that Lia is in the infirmary. With a flick of my wand the paper is gone and sent to ron.

I sit down in a chair next to Lia's bed. I grab her hand and wait for her to wake up. A couple minutes later I feel her hand tense up and she looks to the side. When she sees me she lets go of my hand. "I expected you to be ron. He's always here when I wake up" she says. "How long have I been out?" She asks.

"About 10 minutes total. Madame pomfrey says you can go if you feel ok. She just said to watch you." I tell her. "Anyway, I sent a note to ron. He should be here any second"

Then we hear rapid footsteps coming closer "Lia!" Weasley shouts as he runs over. He hugs her and she just sits there in shock. "Lia are you ok! What happened" he asks.

"I don't even know. Ask Draco." She says. Ron turns to me. "Why are you here" he sneers. "Because i'm the one that saved her." I spit back. "Explain." Weasley demands.

I take a deep breath and look at Lia. "From the beginning?" I ask. She nods and begins telling the story. "After I said goodbye to you outside gryffindor common room I headed back into the dungeons. Before I got to my common room someone pulled me and put a hand over my mouth. It was Blaise and he was drunk out of his mind. He kept muttering how he was embarrassed by Draco and how he wanted payback so he was gonna take his girl." She pauses for a breath.

Tears begin to form in her eyes. "He dragged me into an old classroom and wizard taped me to a wall. He... he took off his clothes until he was only in boxers and started to kiss me. Then he gave me some strange potion and I saw Draco enter the room and start beating Blaise before I blacked out" she says.

Ron just looks from her to me and then gives her another hug "princess I'm so sorry that happened. I should have walked you to your common room." He says. Then he turns to me "what happened after"

I take a deep breath and begin "so after I beat the shit out of Blaise I took her off of the wall and carried her back to the common room. I tried to put her in her room but the door was locked. So I took her to mine. I put her on the bed and she was still unconscious. I fell asleep on the chair in the corner and when I woke up the next day she was still passed out. So I told you she was holed up in her room so you wouldn't worry. I didn't want to have to explain it. I knew it would be better if she told you herself."

I pause and begin again. "When she woke up 2 days later after the incident she was all freaked out. She jumped off the bed and started questioning me. All of the sudden she dropped to the ground and was grabbing her scar. I picked her up to try and stop her from shaking. Then her eyes opened and she screamed DRACO HELP ME. There was blood dripping from her scar. I didn't know what to do so I picked her up and brought her here. I messaged you thinking you would probably wanna know." I finish.

Ron just looks at me. Then back to Lia. He moves her hair over to have a look at her scar. "There's no damage done to it. It looks the same as it did before" he says.

I look at the ground and say "Madame pomfrey discovered that her scar wasn't bleeding."

Ron looks from her to me. "Wait. She has some random persons blood dripping from her scar?" If it's possible id say Weasley gets paler.

"Madame pomfrey says she can leave by the way. As long as someone stays with her. If it happens again we are to immediately bring her here and alert professor dumbledoor" I say.

Ron grabs lias hand and helps her get up. He really doesn't want her around me I guess.

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