CHAPTER 35: Back to normal

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I walk over to him and grab his hand. Harry is lying in a bed in the infirmary, right next to Ron. Harry has "Half blood" carved into his forehead, and Ron has "Blood Traitor," They are just scars but I know what was there before. Someone did that to my brother. Someone hurt my friends, and they are going to pay.

I have no doubt in my mind that this was probably a slytherin. It wouldn't be anyone else, slytherins are all about blood purity and all that bullshit.

I turn my attention back to harry and ron. I move some hair off of ron's forehead and squeeze harry's hand. "I'll find out who did this to you, I promise." I whisper to them, though I know they probably can't hear me.

That night I fall asleep next to Harry. We just made up today and I may have lost him. I just got him back after a week of not talking because of Ron. I wake up in the morning and rub his hand. Still not awake.

I hear footsteps behind me and a voice say "Ah, Lia, my dear. Do you have any idea who did this to them?" I turn around to see Professor Dumbledore. I shake my head no before saying "It's most likely a slytherin, all conversation for them is about blood purity."

Dumbledore nods before turning back to harry. "I should have watched you better. My niece and nephew, I never meant for either of you to be hurt." He says softly. I release Harry's hand and pull Dumbledore into a hug. "Don't say that uncle, you were a wonderful influence, Harry and I are perfectly fine." I wince when I remember that Harry is actually the opposite of perfectly fine right now.

I let go of Professor Dumbledore and turn my attention back to harry. I trace his birthmark on his neck. I bring my other hand up and touch mine. When my fingers touch my mark Harry jerks up. Completely awake. His forehead turns back to its usual pale color, there isn't even a scar.

"Seems that birthmark isn't only a sign of your mother's love. It is a sign of your love as well. I suppose it has the power to heal." Professor Dumbledore says softly.

I pull Harry into a tight hug and hold him. "What the hell happened Harry, and don't you dare sugarcoat it." I whisper. Harry pushes me off him and takes my hand. He looks me in the eyes before saying "Malfoy happened. Ron and I were walking down the hallway and we passed him. I saw you walking up ahead. I asked him what he had done to you. He said nothing. I took out my wand and spelled him with Tarantallegra. He was in the middle of his dance when Crabbe and Goyle came up behind us. They knocked us out, I don't remember anything else. Other than awful pain in my forehead."

I stare blankly at Harry. "I'm gonna murder those idiots. They saw what I did to Pansy earlier. They must be stupid." I mutter.

"What happened to me?" harry asks. I look him in the eye and say "They carved 'Half Blood' into your forehead. And 'Blood Traitor' on rons. You were still blacked out when i got here, I started to trace your birthmark, and I reached up to touch mine, then suddenly you sat up and were awake. Professor Dumbledore says it is because our marks have healing powers."

Harry blinks and touches his mark. Mine starts to tingle. "I almost forgot about those. I guess now we know what to do if one of us gets hurt." He says with a small smile. I touch my mark to see what would happen if both of us touch them at the same time. The mark tingles more, I can tell Harry feels it too. Suddenly the tingling stops and I notice a glow coming from Harry. "I have an idea!" I exclaim. I walk over to Ron and put my free hand on his chest. Harry does the same. Immediately Ron jerks up, the same way Harry did.

We explain everything to Ron and he just stares at us. "How are you JUST discovering this now?" He asks. "I have no idea. There might be other stuff we can do too." I say. "At least now we know there is a way to contact each other." Harry says laughing.

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