CHAPTER 32: the howler

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The next morning I woke up to Draco shaking my arm. "Sleepy head time to get up. We need to head to breakfast." He says.

I get up and put on a white crop top with a blue skirt and my black combat boots. "Sexy" Draco says with a smirk when he sees me. I punch him playfully in the arm and walk out of his room. He follows me closely behind and when I leave the common room he comes up besides me.

"Please don't flip if you see Weasley. That's a lot of explaining" he says. I nod and look back at him "I'll be fine. I wont flip. But I will punch him in the face" I say laughing.

We sit down at the slytherin table and I see Harry and hermione staring at me. Ron. That little snake! He didn't even tell them!

I motion for them to come over to me and they rush over. "Why aren't you sitting with us?" Harry asks immediately. "Rons an ass. I'll explain later. Ok?" They nod before walking over to their table. This time they sit near Fred and George. Pretty far away from ron.

"Look li, the mail" Draco says. I look up and see the hundreds of owls. I look for mia and hedwig, the twin snowy owls. I see hedwig go to Harry and mia coming my way. She drops two letters and a small package.

One letter is from mrs Weasley and one is from the ministry. Probably has to do with the tournament. The small package has no name on it. I'll open it later when I'm alone in case it is something important.

I glance over to the gryffindor table to see everyone crowding around ron. "Weasleys got a howler! Open it ron! It's worse if you ignore it" someone says.

Ron slowly removed the sticker and the howler flies into the air. "RONALD WEASLEY! Did I teach you to be a complete ass or a gentleman! Because I can't really tell! What you did to poor Lia is flat out disrespectful! You need to apologize to that young lady right away. Though she'd be a fool if she took you back after this! Your father and I are very disappointed!" The howler screams. Then it turns to Ginny "thanks for telling us dear. But try not to be a tattle. I'm proud of you for protecting your friend" with that the howler hurts into flames.

Ron looks over at me and just stares. He gets up and walks over. "I need to talk to you" he says angrily. Without waiting for an answer he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the great hall. "What the hell were you thinking when you told Ginny!" He screams. "I didn't tell her! I figured you did!" I say.

"Bullshit. You told her." He snarls. "Ron. I swear I didn't tell her. Why would I tell Ginny and not Harry and hermione!" I say. He looks momentarily stunned. "How do I know you didn't tell them too?" He asks. "I bet you did" he says.

"Ron stop" Ginny yells. "I'll tell you how I found out" ron turns to glare at his sister. "Go on then" he says. "I heard screaming from the hall when I was walking back to the common room last night. I noticed it was Lia and you. So I listened. I heard the whole story. You really are an ass ron." She says.

He glares at her then back to me "I'm not an ass. I just had to deal with a terrible girlfriend" he says. His grip on my arm is going tighter. "Let go ron. It hurts" I say looking down to my arm. He realizes what he's doing and lets go. "Damn I'm turning into Malfoy" he mutters. Then ron turns and runs down the hallway.

I lean against the wall and look at Ginny. "Thanks. But you didn't have to tell your parents. I can deal with ron" I say.

Ginny smirks "I told them because I wanted ron to realize he's been awful. He wouldn't have realized any other way. But judging how he just ran off. I think he's realized" she says giggling. I start to laugh too and soon we're both in hysterics.

All of the sudden I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist. Draco. I turn around and look at him "what up!" I say popping the p. "Nothing, just wanted to make sure you were ok after your little chat with the weasel." He says.

"Oh I'm fine. Ron was just being stupid. Molly is right about one thing though. I'd be completely stupid to take him back after this" I say laughing. "Agreed!" Ginny says from next to me "I'll kick his ass for it later" she says.

What Ginny says next is something I never expected. "You two should get back together, Ron was never a good fit for you Lia, it's always been Draco." My eyes widen in shock. Did she really just say I belong with Draco?

I turn to look at him and he just smirks at me "I completely agree Ginny." he says. I blush and look back at Ginny. "I don't know what's wrong with me Gin! I'm always flip flopping between Draco and Ron! Ridiculous!" I say giggling. Ginny looks at me and laughs.

Ginny leaves to go back to the great hall for breakfast and Draco grabs my hand. "Come, I want to show you something." he says. I nod and follow him down the hallway. He leads me outside and to the quidditch field. "Accio Firebolt" he says.

 My firebolt comes flying out of nowhere, Draco grabs it and hands it to me, you'll need this" he says with a smirk. "Accio Nimbus 2001" He says ands broom flies into his hand.

"Ready?" he asks as he looks at me balancing on my broom. I nod and say "lead the way Malfoy"

He takes off on his broom and I follow right behind him. Soon we're flying over the black lake and I can't help but remember our first date when he took me swimming.

"Aquiri Diffindo" Draco says. The water begins to separate and you can see a clear tunnel through to the bottom. Draco flies into the tunnel a bit before turning to make sure i'm following. I go into the tunnel and am shocked to see what is around me, there are merpeople and fish swimming like nothing is wrong. Draco starts flying forward and I am shocked to see that the tunnel changes directions to be around us at all times.

Draco leads me to a ship sunk at the bottom of the black lake. The air bubble magically surrounds the boat and draco goes inside. He lands on some of the rotten wood and gestures for me to come next to him.

I get off my broom and stand next to Draco. "Where are we?" I ask. "We're in the old boat that used to bring first years to hogwarts. It sunk one year for an unknown reason. It's been here ever since." He says. "I come here to clear my head when I'm angry, or when I just really need to think." Draco turns to look at me. "I've never brought anyone here before. I didn't think anyone deserved to see it. Until I got to know you."

"Really? This isn't just some place to take all your random girls?" I say laughing. Draco looks at me dead serious "Those girls pursued me, I never wanted any of them. Except you. Lia you were my first actual GIRLFRIEND, all those other girls are just, Girls." He says. Really? I was his first girlfriend? Pansy is such a liar.

Draco grabs my hand and starts rubbing circles on it. "I honestly do love you Lia, way more than you know. I mean it when I say I will always care for you." He looks at me pleadingly, he wants me to tell him we can get back together. "Draco... I need time. I just got over things with ron. Please. Give me a little bit to find myself. I've sort of lost it when going between you and Ron." I say. Draco sighs and looks down "I'll wait for you, as long as It takes. I promise."

"I'll Tell you when I'm ready, you won't have to wait long." I say. Draco lets go of my hand and walks over to me. He cups my chin and kisses me gently on the lips. There is a sudden feeling of butterflies in my stomach, something I haven't felt in a while. He pulls away and whispers "As long as it takes." 

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