CHAPTER 22: back together

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I somehow fell asleep last night. I wake up and see Lia still sleeping with her head on my chest. I don't understand how she fell in love with an oaf like me.

I love everything about her. I love the way her wavy black hair frames her face. I love how her eyes show her emotions. I love that she's mine.

I need to show her how much I love her.

"Love, wake up" I start to rub her back. "Ughhhh what time is it" she moans. "It's too early!" She says. "You are such a little kid" I say with a laugh.

When we finally get up Lia realizes it's Saturday. "Bozo it's Saturday, we technically don't have to get up for another two hours! I'm going back to bed, wake me up when it's time to go to hogsmeade" she says. I laugh and kiss her on the forehead before she goes to bed.

I go to the bathroom to take a shower. I set the water to be really hot. I need to think. What can I do to show her how much I love her. I know she has a necklace and bracelet from the weasel, so I can't get her either of those. It still bothers me that she wears them.

I'll get her a kitten! She's told me about how she's always wanted a kitten, perfect time for one! I'll get her a girl cat so I won't feel bad when she paints her nails and puts bows in her fur.

I get dressed and go back to Lia's room. I go lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her. "You're mine" I whisper. I swear she smiled in her sleep when I said it.

A little later I decide to wake her up, she needs to get ready before we go to hogsmeade. "Love, time to get up again" I say. "What time is it?" She asks. "9:15" I say. "DAMMIT DRACO YOU SHOULD HAVE WOKEN ME UP A HALF HOUR AGO! YOU EXPECT ME TO GET READY IN A HALF AN HOUR!" She screams. "But love, you don't need to get ready, you're beautiful just the way you are" I say as I wrap my arms around her and peck her on the cheek.

"NOT HELPING DRACO! LEMME GO I NEED TO SHOWER!" She yells running off into the bathroom. I can't help it, she makes me laugh like no one else.

When she got out of the bathroom she was wearing a plain long sleeved grey dress, she looks absolutely stunning.

I smile and say "baby, you sure you wanna go to hogsmeade? I can think of one other thing we could do" she immediately blushes bright red. "You're so perverted Draco" she giggles.

Then she shocks me by walking over and sitting on my lap. I lift her chin and lean down to kiss her, but just before our lips meet she jumps off and runs away into the common room "YOU THOUGHT!" I heard her scream through her fit of giggles. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT POTTER!" I yell back at her as I run out of her room to chase her.

We spend the rest of the morning running around hogwarts, damn she's fast. Eventually I catch her and start to smother her in kisses. "Stop it! Stop it Draco! It tickles" she giggles. I give her one last peck on the cheek and look her in the eyes "I love you" I say. She looks back and opens her mouth to say it back, but before she can I kiss her.

I feel her melt into the kiss, and when I finally pull away she says "I love you too" as if nothing had happened.

I hold out my hand for her to take but instead she just runs ahead. "Not again" I mutter smiling, then I rush off after her.

When we get to hogsmeade hermione and Ginny drag Lia away from me to go dress shopping. Perfect opportunity to buy her that kitten.

I walk into mondies pets with perks shop and go to the car section. There is this adorable little black and white kitten. She is perfect.

I leave the store with bowls, food, a cat carrier, and of course the kitten.

I walk down the road and see a jewelry store. Huh, I'll get Lia an emerald ring! I walk in and find the prettiest ring in the store.

Now I have a cat AND a ring to prove to her I love her.

I walk down the road to find Potter with Weasley and granger. "Where's Lia?" I ask hermione. "She's drinking butter beer with Ivy in the Three Broomsticks" she answers. I nod and head off in the direction of the pub.

Before I can leave Potter comes up and stands in front of me. "If you EVER hurt Lia again, I will hunt you down and I will kill you" he threatens. "Ya right. But you don't have to worry about it. I'd never dream of hurting Lia again." I reply. "But Potter, as much as I'd like to continue this chat, I really need to get back to Lia now"


Draco walks away and I go back to ron and hermione. "I don't like his level of obsession with her. It's downright creepy" Ron says. "I was just thinking the same thing" I mutter. "I'll talk to her about it later" hermione says. I nod.

I hope Lia knows what she's doing. As much as he says it, I don't think she's safe with him.


I find Lia in the pub. Ivy sees me and almost says something but I put my finger to my lips. I slowly creep up behind Lia and put my hands over her eyes "guess who!" I say. "Hmmm, Harry?" She says excitedly. "Nope" I answer laughing.

"I just wanted to tell you to meet me on the train in 2 minutes" I whisper in her ear. She still hasn't looked at me to see what I have. I'm glad.

She nods and goes back to her conversation with Ivy.

I walk to the train and sit in our usual compartment. I set the carrier for the kitten down on the seat next to me, the box with the ring is still safely in my pocket.

A couple minutes later I hear footsteps. Then Lia walks into the compartment. Her eyes widen when she sees the kitten carrier. "A KITTEN!" She screams running over to me. She kisses me sweetly on the lips then turns her attention back to the cat next to us

She opens the cage to release the little black and white fur ball. "Is it a girl or a boy!" She asks. "I figured you'd want a girl" I answer. She squeals in delight. "Her name is..." she begins "MARSHMALLOW!"

I start laughing. I didn't expect anything less from Lia.

She's too busy cuddling her cat to notice me pull out the box with the ring. "Oh, there's this too." I say.

She puts her free hand to her mouth. "Draco. Why all the gifts?" She questions. "Because I ruined Christmas. And also because I want to show you how much I love you" I say.

She looks at me like I turned into a hippogriff. "You truly are the most amazing boyfriend ever" she says as she wraps her arms around me. "Only for the best girlfriend in the entire world" I say.

I open the box and show her the ring. I put it on her left middle finger. One day I will put a ring next to that one and she will officially be mine forever.

She releases me and picks up marshmallow again. "If you love that cat more than me I will be very disappointed" I say with a smirk. "I don't know" she says, "I already love her a lot, you'll have to compete for attention" she says with a smile.


I officially have the most amazing boyfriend ever. Although I still wonder why he decided to give me all these gifts. He knows that I know he loves me. There was no need to prove it. Was there?

He also knew I wasn't planning on getting him a Christmas gift. So it doesn't make sense. I wonder if he's trying to keep secrets again. 

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