CHAPTER 29: first date

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It's 7:30 and i got Ivy to help me get ready for my date with ron. "You need to be SO hot!" She squeals.

"Why?" I ask. "Because I'm gonna make sure Draco is in the common room when you leave. I want to see the look on his face when you leave looking like a million galleons!" She laughs. "Ok then, sounds like you have it all planned out." I say between giggles.

"Yep. Kiss proof red liquid lip, bronze smokey eye with a short black dress and 4 inch black strappy heels! I'm even putting your hair up! Top Knot bun here I come!!" She squeals. She's so excited over this.

I let Ivy pamper me, first getting into my dress and then letting her do my hair. After my hair comes the makeup and the shoes. When she's done, I have to admit, she's good.

Ivy screams one last time before hugging me and opening the door to go to the common room. "HES DOWN THERE!" She points and smile. I smirk. "Showtime!" I say.

I leave my room and walk straight through the common room. Not even bothering to look at anyone. "SHAKE IT POTTER" I hear a voice that sounds like Blaise scream. I turn back, it was Blaise. "Don't embarrass yourself blaise. You know you could never get a girl like her" Draco says.

Blaise just looks at me as I leave. Then something completely unexpected happens. Others go back to what they were doing but Draco continues to stare. I give him a puzzled look and he walks up to me and brings me to the hallway. "You're going to see Weasley aren't you" he says looking at the ground.

I can't help but feel sorry for him. "Yeah, he said he wanted to take me out." Draco looks up at me and says "I'm sorry" i'm confused. "For..." I begin but I'm cut short by Draco pushing me against the wall in the hallway and kissing me.

He has both my wrists pinned to the wall above my head. At first I'm too shocked to even fight back. But after a couple of seconds I start to wiggle. He pulls away and looks at me, he's out of breath "you can't just walk in front of me looking like that and expect me to do nothing" he says with a smirk.

Then he releases me and I just stand there. "I said I was sorry..." he begins. "Don't. Can you PLEASE stop surprise kissing me now. It's really starting to piss me off. I feel like I'm betraying ron every time." I say. He just stares at me before walking back into the common room.

I enter the girls bathroom to check and make sure he didn't screw up my liquid lip. It might be kiss proof but I don't know if it's make out proof. Yep, my lipstick looks fine. I leave the girls bathroom and continue my way to the gryffindor common room.

By the time I get there ron is already standing outside. His eyes widen when he sees me and he wraps an arm around my waist "don't let Harry see you or he's never gonna let you go out with me ever again" he chuckles.

I turn to him and kiss him sweetly on the lips. "I won't tell" I say giggling. 

Ron keeps an arm around my waist and we walk under Harry's invisibility cloak. He takes me up to the astronomy tower where he set up a picnic and candles near the window.

I gasp and look at ron. "It's beautiful!" I squeal. He laughs and kisses me on the forehead "only the best for my princess" he says. "Oh you dork. You know I'm not a princess" I say with a chuckle. "But you are. Because I'm your prince and you're my princess" he says sweetly. Awww!

We sit down side my side and stare out the window a bit. "Draco kissed me in the hallway when i was coming to meet you" I say. Ron turns to me, his face red. "He WHAT! When I see Malfoy next I'm gonna beat his ass" he mutters. I grab rons chin and turn him to me "don't. It's not Malfoys fault that I'm hot" I say with a smirk.

Ron just laughs and leans in to kiss me. He cups my chin and one thing leads to another. I wind up on his lap and he has both hands on my waist while mine are in his hair. We pull away and lean our foreheads against each other. We're both really out of breath. I climb off ron and go back to sitting next to him leaning my head against his shoulder.

We stare out at the sky for five minutes in silence before I turn to him and say "I love you ron" he looks back at me and says "I've loved you since the day We were coming back from Christmas on the train" I blush and look to the side. Not wanting him to see me blush. He cups my cheek and makes me look at him "don't, I like it when you blush" he says.

Draco... he said the same thing to me.

He must see I'm a little uncomfortable because he asks "what's wrong princess" "it's just... Draco said the same thing to me once, it just sorta freaked me out" I say sheepishly. "Oh love" he says before pulling me into a hug "I didn't mean to upset you" he whispers. "I know, it's ok" I say in return.

We leave the astronomy tower and walk back to gryffindor common room. I kiss ron goodnight and head back to my common room.

Right before I get there and hand goes over my mouth and in dragged into a hallway. Blaise? What the hell? What's that smell. Alcohol. God dammit he's drunk.

Blaise is dragging me somewhere. I don't know where we're going. But I hear footsteps behind us. God I hope someone is gonna help me.

He drags me into an empty room and takes out rope. "Malfoy says I couldn't get you" he slurs. "But look! I have you!"

First he puts a spell on my mouth to keep me from screaming, then ties my arms together. What the fuck is he gonna do with me? I see him taking out wizard tape. That stuff is impossible to escape from. You need to cast a spell to remove it.

Blaise smiles before taping my legs down to the wall. Then I know what he's going to do. He starts taking off his shoes and his belt. BLOODY HELL THIS LUNATIC IS GONNA RAPE ME! He's only in his boxers when He comes over and starts kissing me. When he pulls away he starts kissing my neck and jawline. No. He can't do this. That's what Draco does.

Blaise walks over to me and forces a strange potion down my throat. I see Draco enter the room and start beating on Blaise. I hear Draco scream "Never mess with her! Leave her alone!" Right before I slip out of consciousness. 

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