CHAPTER 20: The infirmary

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I back away from him. Tears starting to fall. "Why! Why would you agree to that if you knew how I felt about it! You claim you love me, but this isn't really proving your point now is it!" I don't even wait for an answer. I run. As far and as fast as I can.

I don't even notice where I'm going until I'm in Harry's arms, sobbing.

I had run all the way to the gryffindor common room.

Harry just holds me as I break down. He already knows what happened. I feel another pair of arms around me. I already know it's ron. They let go of me and I fall to the ground. Suddenly there is a sharp pain in the side of my head.

I wake up later in the infirmary. Ron and Harry are each holding my hand.

They realize I'm awake and ron grabs me, pulling me into the tightest hug ever. "Bloody hell Lia, you scared me nearly to death!" He says

"What happened?" I ask. "Well you came running into the common room in tears, I assume it has something to do with malfoy. Me and ron grabbed you and held you, but when we let go you fell and hit your head on the stones around the fireplace" Harry explains.

Oh, whoops.

Ron begins to ask "Lia, what did malfoy do. Did he touch you? I swear if he touched you I'll beat every ounce of that pure blood out of him"

"You sure about that Weasley?" A voice Hisses. I know that voice all too well. "Malfoy fuck off" I say "I'm not in the mood for your shit"

"No need to be vulgar love. I was simply coming by to see if you were awake yet. Then I heard this bumbling idiot speaking and I just had to say something" Draco sneers.

"Well malfoy, you've seen I'm awake, now kindly fuck the hell off please and thank you" I say. I didn't mean to be that rude. I can see I hurt him. I've never seen his eyes filled with so much hurt as they are recently. I wish I could stand up and hug him. Hold him and tell him everything will be ok. But I know that's not possible.

I can't give him the wrong impression. Again.

Harry lets go of my hand and rons grip tightens. Draco notices our interlocked fingers and something in him snaps. "Oh I see how it is. You don't want me. You want a Weasley. Well I'm done being toyed with. PICK ONE"

Ron flips. "MALFOY LISTEN HERE, I'M ONLY GONNA SAY IT ONCE. I'm not with Lia. In fact I have my eye on a certain gryffindor. So why don't you shut your mouth and find whatever the hell crawled up your ass so you can pull it back out and realize she still loves you before it's too late!" then he quietly mutters "bipolar, I swear" at this i slightly chuckle.

Malfoy looks shocked. "Potter, Weasley. Can I talk to Lia alone please?"

Rons grip tightens more on my hand. He looks at me and I nod. Slowly he releases my hand and follows Harry out of the infirmary. "I swear malfoy. If you do ANYTHING I will make sure you pay for it" Harry spits.

I close my eyes as Draco walks closer to me. He reaches out to graze my cheek but sees me flinch. "Oh love how did this happen" he says. "How did i manage to fuck up so badly that you are scared to even let me touch you."

He starts pulling at his hair and pacing back and forth. "I'm so dumb! Why did I listen to father." He gestures down to his left forearm "I thought THIS was the only way to protect you. I thought maybe now the dark lord would pardon you" he mutters "I never thought things would end up like this" I see the sadness in his eyes.

I lift my hand up and grab his. "Draco. Please. Don't talk about it. I want to forget. I want to forget all the shitty stuff you've done." At this Draco smirks slightly. This time when he reaches down to touch my cheek I don't flinch.

Before I know it he's pulled me out of bed and holding me. I missed him so much. But I know I can't forgive him. Yet.

I start to wiggle and he understands. He lets me back up and get back onto the bed. He releases my hand and kisses me gently on my forehead. "Just think about forgiving me. Ok? I won't push. I promise" I nod and watch him leave.

Soon Harry and ron re enter with a wide eyed hermione. She rushes over and hugs me tightly. "I'm ok" I say.

"We were all so worried about you Lia!" She reminds me. "I don't understand why. This kind of stuff is normal for me" I gesture to my head.

All four of us laugh.

Madame pomfrey comes over and tells me I can leave. Slowly I get up, but stumble a bit. Harry catches me and supports me with an arm around my waist. "Thanks" I whisper.

"How long was I out?" I ask. "3 and a half days." Hermione answers. "Woah, do you think the professors expect me to make up my work?" I ask. Hermione rolls her eyes "you should do it anyway" she says. Ron bumps my shoulder "it really isn't necessary " he says with a wink. 

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