CHAPTER 34: I'm so sorry

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I walk over to the door, expecting it to be Draco I fling it open and hiss "What do you want Malfoy."

"It's not him Lia. It's me..." He says. I look up and see Harry. Behind him I see a sheepish looking Hermione and a sad Ron. "Li, please. Can we talk?" He asks. I nod before hissing "Only you and Hermione. I have no desire to talk to HIM."

I swear Ron flinched when I said that. Hermione and Harry walk into my room and stay standing by the door. I sit down on my bed and cross my legs. "What the hell do you want." I snap.

Harry looks at Hermione then back to me. "We were wondering why you've been shutting us out L. We want to know what we've done." Hermione says.

I stare at them blankly "Are you mental? I told you to figure it out THEN talk to me. It should be easy for you to figure out, you're a bloody GENIUS." I say rolling my eyes.

"Li, cut it out. We haven't done anything that we know of. So just tell us why you're pissed." Harry hisses. "Ok, I'll tell you. But only because it's pissing me off even more that you're mad at ME." I say.

I take a deep breath. I can feel my eyes brimming with tears. "You guys sided with Ron. He broke my heart and left me, what happened to 'I'll kill you if you hurt my sister.' I don't understand what is going through your head that makes RON the good guy." I say. At this point there are tears streaming down my cheeks.

Harry looks at me "THAT'S what this is about?" he asks. I nod and look down. "Li, we didn't mean to hurt you..." Hermione starts before harry interrupts her. "But we did Hermione. We did hurt her. We've been ignoring her ever since." He says.

Harry walks over and grabs my hand "I didn't mean to hurt you Li. It was easier to talk to Ron about it than you." he whispers. "That's your excuse? Try another. That one has been over used. I'm your goddamn sister. We talk to each other about EVERYTHING. It's not THAT hard." I mutter.

Harry backs up and punches the wall behind him. "We didn't even realize it." He says to Hermione. "We were so busy with how torn up Ron was that we didn't even bother to check on her."

"Wait. What's going on with Ron?" I ask. He may have broken my heart but he is still a close friend and I want to know if he's ok.

Hermione's face goes pale "Oh L, He's not ok. He's constantly drinking. He was drunk when he broke up with you. He was so upset about the tournament, he needed to relax, so he had a few drinks. One thing led to another and poof, he flipped. The drinking is only getting worse. The only time he's not drunk is during classes, but he stays up drinking until he passes out. He's lost everyone. You, Ginny, Fred, George, Cedric." She says quietly.

"He was drunk? Sure didn't seem like it." I state. "Is he drunk now?" I ask. Hermione shakes her head no "He has double transfiguration today."

"Bring him in." I say with a sigh. Hermione's eyes widen and she leaved my room.

Harry stares at me, I hate to see him so upset. I get off my bed and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper "I forgive you." Harry rests his head on my head and sighs "I'm glad, I can't stand it when you're mad at me." he chuckles.

I pull away from him just as Hermione returns with Ron. He's looking down at the ground and tapping his thighs with his hands. I walk over to him and lift his chin. I let go and wrap my arms around him. "It's ok. You were drunk and upset. It's in the past." I say. He pulls away and looks me in the eye "You sure? I really fucked up." He says sincerely. I nod and gesture to all of them "I've really missed you guys." I say. I pull him into a hug and rest my head on his shoulder. Hermione and Harry walk over and put their arms around us too.

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