CHAPTER 26: better than a cheater

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I hear someone coming from the hallway where my boyfriend and my best friend made out. I turn to see Draco walking my way. I just turn back and stay sitting on the ground against the wall.

Draco comes up to me and sits beside me. He sees I've been crying. "What's wrong love?" He says. Did he seriously just call me love? "Don't you dare call me that" I spit. I see the color drain out of his face. "Lia I can explain..." he begins.

"Oh I'd love to hear your explanation for SNOGGING MY BEST FRIEND" I scream at him. He looks at the ground before standing up. I begin to cry again and start sobbing. I can't do this in front of him. I can't show him how much it hurts.

Draco bends down and picks me up. He's carrying me somewhere. No. I can't let him. I start to whack his chest. "PUT ME DOWN" I scream in between sobs. "LEAVE ME ALONE" I shout. People pass by, not even bothering to help.

"Love I need to explain" Draco says quietly. "No, I don't want your excuses" I say. "You were holding her hand! It wasn't just some fluke. It's not like she pushed it on you. There are no excuses that could possibly make that ok" I say.

I soon realize where we're going. He's taking me to the gryffindor common room.

"NO! I don't want to talk to her!" I scream. "Too bad, we need to talk about this" he shouts at me. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE MAD AT ME! DON'T USE THAT TONE WITH ME" I say. I begin to sob again and I start to shake. I have to get away. I need to leave. I begin to try to get off Draco again.

I see someone leaving the door to the common room. Its ron! "RON HELP!" I scream between my sobs. Ron turns around to see me crying in Draco's arms. His face goes red as he runs over. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" He yells at Draco. "I... umm... I...." he begins. "Ron help me, get him away" I say.

Draco looks from me to ron, then hands me off to him. "I'll explain later love, when you're calm" he tries to kiss me on the cheek but I slap him. "Don't you fucking dare" I scream at him.

I watch as the love of my life walks away. Add one more thing to the list of Draco malfoy. Liar, death eater, Cheater.

Ron carries me into the gryffindor common room and brings me to his room. "Get... Harry..." I say between sobs. Ron nods and leaves the room.

He comes back with Harry and hermione. "LEAVE HERMIONE" I yell at her. Her face turns red and she leaves. Ron and Harry look really confused. "Why don't you won't hermione here?" Harry asks. I begin to sob again. Harry comes over and wraps his arms around me.

After a few minutes I'm calm again. I begin to explain. "I saw hermione in the hallway. She was holding hands with someone and I saw her being tugged into a hallway. I looked to make sure she was ok... she was snogging..." I say and begin to sob. "She was snogging Draco"

Rons eyes widen. He comes over and picks me up, I bury my head into his chest and cry.

Harry face turns cold. He turns to the door. I see a mass of brown hair. Hermione. She comes up to the door and is face to face with Harry. "You are dead to me." He says to her. "NEVER come near me or Lia ever again" he says. "Or me either" Ron spits.

Hermione blinks and turns away. She had no reason to be upset. She brought this upon herself. I watch as she leaves the common room. I know she's going to go see Draco. I know it.


I'm so in love with Hermione granger. I can't live without her! I need to see her. I really need to see her.

Soon I hear a knock on my door, I open it to see Hermione. "WHY DID YOU KISS ME" she demands. Her eyes are red and puffy. She's been crying. I pull her into a hug. "Because I love you" I answer.

Her eyes widen. "Love potion." She mutters. Quickly she grabs a vile of potion and pours it down my throat.

Why is hermione in my room?

SHIT! I kissed her! LIA!

"Hermione! Someone gave me a love potion to fall in love with you. Someone wanted me and Lia split. I need to find her. I need to make sure she's ok!" I tell her.

"She's fine." Hermione answers. "She's with ron and Harry. They'll never let anyone near her" she says. My heart drops. She's with Weasley...

"We need to tell them about the love potion. They'll forgive us." I say.

But wait. Why did I still love Lia when I was under the influences. I picked her up and kissed her on the cheek... did our love really overcome a love potion. I smile at the thought. 

"I need to see her" I tell hermione. She nods and leaves my room. I sit on my bed and think of a plan to talk to her.


I can't stop crying. My best friend. My boyfriend.

I sit on rons bed resting my head on his chest, he has an arm around me. I'm still crying and it's been an hour.

Harry paces the room in front of them. "I'm gonna kill them." He keeps repeating.

"Mate, calm down, you're probably not helping her. We can think of ways to kill them later." Ron says.

Harry sits down next to me and strokes my hair. "It'll be ok li, I promise" he says.

"I loved him so much Harry. He was my whole world." I say.

"I know Lia, I know. But you have to realize that malfoy is an awful person. He breaks hearts professionally. I mean, he's a death eater for gods sake. He says. I nod. Harry is completely right. There is no need to cry over him. It's just plain stupid.

I turn back to ron. I bury my head in his chest again and he kisses the top of my head. "I'm here Lia, I always will be. I know it's probably not the best time for me to tell you this, but I love you Lia." He says. I look up at him "I love you too Ron, just not as much as I loved malfoy" I say before I sob.

Then I wipe my tears and stop crying. "I'm not going to cry over him anymore. I'm done with him" 

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