CHAPTER 24:What did I do?

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The next morning I sit with the gryffindor table at breakfast. Every time I look up I see Draco looking my way. He always looks completely confused.

I look up and see he is no longer there, a couple moments later I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see a confused Draco. "Love, can we talk in the hallway for a minute please" he asks. I try my best to look confused and act as if nothing is wrong.

We go to a part of the hallway where no one else is. "What's up" I ask. "Why didn't you sit with the slytherins at breakfast? Are you ok?" He asks coming closer to hug me. I let him wrap his arms around me but I don't hug him back.

"I'm fine Draco. No need to worry, I was just sitting with my mione and gin, we had fun last night talking and I wanted to continue it" I say. Draco looked momentarily confused. "Granger and the Weasley girl?" He asks. "Their names are hermione and Ginny" I snap.

He looks confused at my tone. "Are you sure you're ok" he asks. I nod and start heading back to the great hall. "Have you realized you haven't even kissed me at all today?" He asks. "Well to be fair I've barely seen you all morning" I reply as I continue walking back to breakfast. I didn't even bother to turn around.

"Love, what's wrong?" Draco asks again. "Nothing Draco" I can tell he doesn't believe me. Lord have mercy on my soul, we're going to have to have this conversation now.

I grab Draco's tie and pull him back to the slytherin common room. I pull him into my room and slam the door. "I didn't want to have this conversation now, but seeming as you won't drop it, here it goes" I start. "Draco you're too obsessed with me and frankly it's starting to creep me out!" I say.

He looks even more confused before he starts to open his mouth. Then closes it, not knowing what to say. He does this a couple of times before finally saying "what makes you think I'm obsessed with you?"

I take a step back from him and he takes two steps forward. I gesture to the space between us "THIS is my proof, you're always on top of me! I need space you know! You constantly want to be with me, and if you don't know where I am you start to freak out until you find me. I understand that it's your way of worrying for my safety, but this takes it to a new level. It's quite extreme." I say.

He blinks, just like I did when Harry first brought it to my attention. He takes another step forward. "I never thought of it like that, I always thought of it as me protecting you and making you feel safe. Because I don't know what I would do without you. I couldn't live. You mean the world to me and I love you so much." He reaches forward to hug me figuring that's what I wanted to hear.

I back up and shake my head. "That's exactly what I'm talking about" I say. "You say stuff like that CONSTANTLY. It's really creepy and my friends have started noticing it too."

"So it's THEIR fault you're saying this right now?!" He asks outraged.

This pushes me over the edge. "DRACO" I snap. "Don't you DARE blame this on them. They are simply just worried about us. You should be thankful for them pointing it out. So now why don't you RELAX and sit down" I say gesturing to my bed.

"Love, I don't want to lose you! They're getting in the way!" He screams. "WHAT WOULD BE SO AWFUL ABOUT LOSING ME" I scream back. 

"YOU ARE THE ONE GOOD THING IN MY LIFE AND NOW YOU'RE BLAMING ME FOR TRYING TO KEEP MY ONE GOOD THING SAFE!" He screams before standing up. "LIA! God dammit why don't you understand! I'm a DEATH EATER! My house is being taken over by the dark lord, my parents ignore me, the time I'm ever happy is when I'm with you. So SORRY if it pisses you off that I want to be happy. I'll just go back to sulking and teasing people." I can see the tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Draco, I don't want us to break up. I just got you back. All I want is for you to not CONSTANTLY say how you need me and how you couldn't live without me. It makes me uncomfortable." I say. Draco nods and walks over to me. He wraps his arms around me and buries his head in my neck. "I'll try and be better about it. I promise." He whispers.

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