CHAPTER 25: Better?

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We head to classes hand in hand. Our first class is potions. Draco kisses my cheek before going off to sit with Blaise. I take my seat next to Ivy and lily.

"Why aren't you sitting with Draco?" Ivy asks. "Because we need to be able to function without the other. We're just taking a little space." I say. "You broke up!" Lily states. "No, we just aren't gonna be CONSTANTLY next to each other" I explain. "Oh" lily nods.

I turn my attention back to professor snape. He's teaching us how to identify rat tails from mole tails.

I copy down the notes on the board. Every so often I glance behind me and look at Draco. Most of the time he's talking to Blaise, but one time he saw me. He smirked and winked at me before I turned around.

After class Draco waits for me in the hallway. He walks me to defense against the dark arts, where he goes to sit next to Blaise. Ivy is sitting next to Blaise too, so I sit next to Draco. He smiles when he turns and realizes I'm sitting next to him.

He grabs my hand and we turn our attention to professor moody. We were learning about the three unforgivable curses.

Every time professor moody said the word "crucio" I felt Draco flinch.

After class me and Draco both had a free period. We decided to spend it with Blaise and Ivy. We sort of had a double date in my room playing truth or dare and just talking.

"Truth or dare B" Ivy asks me. B is our sort of nicknames for eachother, we call each other B all the time. "Truth" I say. Ivy smirks. "Have you and lover boy over there fooled around yet?" She asks. I immediately blush. "No" I say sheepishly.

"Truth or dare Blaise" Draco says. "Dare" Blaise says. "I dare you to officially go public with your relationship with Ivy." Draco smirks. "How did you know?" Ivy asks. "Because I saw you guys holding hands during defense against the dark arts" Draco says laughing.

We continue our game and soon it's time for lunch.

Blaise and Ivy leave my room first, hand in hand heading down to the great hall.

When they leave Draco leans in and kisses me sweetly on the lips. "I never got to tell you today, but you look positively beautiful" he says smiling. I blush and I'm pretty sure my face is the color of a tomato.

I move closer to Draco and kiss him again. He deepens the kiss and puts a hand on the small of my back and a hand on my neck. I move onto his lap and wraps my arms around his neck. We continue and my hands are soon playing with his hair as he kisses my neck and jawline. He moves his lips back to mine and now both hands are on my waist.

I pull away out of breath and lean my forehead against his. Draco smirks "you ok love?" He teases. I can see he's out of breath too. "Fine" I say. Then we both break out into hysterics and lay down on my bed side by side.

"That was fun" I say. "Yeah, but I don't think I wanna go any further just yet" he says. "I agree" I say as I turn to look at him. I kiss him gently on the lips. "I love you" I say. "I love you more" he smirks.

We eventually got up and went to lunch. I sat next to Draco at the slytherin table. Occasionally I would see mione give me a puzzled look. They were still expecting me to sit with them! I'll have to explain it to them later.

We left lunch and Draco walked me to my spot next to lily in herbology before going to sit with Blaise.

"What's up, you seem distracted" I ask lily. "I'll tell you later, bring Ivy to you room at 8:00 tonight and I'll tell you both at the same time." She says. I spend the rest of herbology stealing glances at Draco and worrying about lily.

Finally herbology ended and it was time for my favorite class of the day, care of magical creatures! This was the only class that I had without Draco.

I stand with hermione, Harry, and ron as we watch hagrid explain the proper care for a sinder spider.

Care of magical creatures ended and I headed back to the common room to spend time with Draco before dinner. On my way to the common room I see Hermione dash around a corner, hand in hand with someone. I decide to take a look to see what's up. 

I look around the corner and immediately turn back. I feel the tears coming down my cheeks. I'm starting to shake. I walk over to a wall and lean against it. I sit on the ground and rest my head against the wall. No, he wouldn't do that. He loves me.

When I looked around that corner, I saw Draco snogging Hermione.

Love will Rise (Draco Malfoy FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora