CHAPTER 33: Betrayal

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When Draco and I go back to the slytherin common room Cedric is pacing outside the entrance. I walk up to him and grab his hand "What's wrong Ced?" I ask him. Cedric pulls me into a hug. He's shaking. "I didn't know where you were, you scared the crap out of me." He says. I hug him back and he says "Dragons, that's the first task." I pull away from him and look at him. He's genuinely scared "Cedric. We will be fine. Nothing is going to happen. We will kick dragon ass." Cedric laughs and nods.

We let Draco into the common room and cedric grabs my hand again. "I heard about you and Ron from Gin, are you ok Li?" He asks. "I'm fine Ced, Ron wasn't the one. He's an ass who was jealous of Draco even though I wasn't paying any attention to Draco. Quite stupid if you ask me" I say laughing. Cedric just looks at me like I'm insane. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here." He says. I squeeze his hand tighter "I know Ced, you've always been there" I say. He pulls me into another hug "And I always will be here."

Cedric and I walk around the castle for a bit when I see Harry, Hermione, and Ron walking and talking and laughing. Harry, my brother. Hermione, my best girl friend. They KNOW what Ron did. They KNOW what he put me through, and yet they're already done with being mad at him.

I let go of Cedric's hand and stop in my tracks. "Whats wrong Li?" He asks. "They've already forgiven him. He put me through hell and back. He broke my heart, and they're sitting there talking like old times." I say. At this point I'm holding back tears.

I start walking again. Before I can even think I'm walking up to harry. "Some brother you are." I spit before walking away. Hermione gets up and grabs my wrist "L, What's wrong?" she asks. "I'm mad at him for the same reason I'm mad at you. Figure it out. Talk to me then." I hiss. Hermione just blinks before grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him away.

Now it's just me and Ron. "Lia I'm really sorry..." Ron starts to say. I cut him off "Ron I don't want to hear excuses. Leave me alone. You've done enough." I bark.

Then cedric comes up and takes my hand. Ron opens his mouth to talk but Cedric cuts him off "Let her be Weasley. Trust me." He says.

At this point my eyes are welled up with tears. I see the twins walking down the hallway. They see me with ron and each grab one of my arms. Cedric lets go of my hand "Is Ron bothering you Li?" George asks. "We can beat him up if you want" Fred says. I turn to look at them. Fred sees my tears and he pulls me into a hug "oh li, don't let Ron bother you, he doesn't deserve you." George says. At this Ron gets up and walks over to Hermione and Harry.

Soon I see Ginny walking down the hall. Cedric goes to talk to her. She sees me and runs over. "I can't BELIEVE Harry and Hermione. Harry is SUPPOSED to be your brother. He shouldn't side with your ex after he breaks your heart." She says.

Fred lets me go and looks at me strangely "They're on Ron's side?" he asks. I nod and look over at them. "Well don't pay any attention to them Li, they're not worth it." George says. "I can't just get rid of Harry. He's the only family I have left. Other than Remus. But he's my godfather. I don't see him often." I say. Remus is now the closest thing I have to family, and I only see him on Christmas and during the summer when I go to live with him and Tonks.

Fred pulls me into another hug "Li, just know we're all here for you" he says. "Yeah. I have you guys and Ivy. Though she's probably sided with Harry." I say rolling my eyes. George raises an eyebrow at something behind me and says "looks like Draco is on your side too" he says.

I turn around and see Draco running full force towards me. "Li, quick. It's Ivy." My heart drops. I grab Draco's hand and he starts pulling me in the direction of the Slytherin common room. "Draco what happened." I ask. He stops running and looks at me "Ivy... well... Pansy started talking about how Weasley broke up with you after he shagged you. She said it's because all he wanted from you was sex, and he finally got it. The entire common room believed her and then Ivy tried to curse Pansy. The curse got deflected and... well you'll see."

Draco leads me into the common room and I see what he's talking about. Ivy is covered in huge boils. I take one look and drag her into my room. I go to my cauldron in the corner of the room and start picking ingredients off of my shelves. "I'm making a drainage potion. It has to be poured on all the boils. It is the quickest way to get rid of them, but it is also painful." I say.

Ivy nods and says "Anything to get rid of this." I finish brewing my potion and give it to Draco to pour on Ivy.

I leave my room and march over to Pansy in the common room. I pull out my wand and hold it to her throat. "Spread rumors about me or anyone I love again and I won't go easy on you." I spit. "Potter you wouldn't DARE. You haven't even done anything to me this time, and you won't. POTTER'S A CHICKEN" She says.

"Oh Pansy, did you think I was done? Sorry for giving you the wrong impression but... Densaugeo!" I shout. Suddenly her teeth are dropping down to her chest. I smirks "Looks like you have something in your teeth! Here! I'll help! Augamenti!" I shout.

Now Pansy is covered in water too. "Rictusempra" I say. This is my last spell. I hold it on her for a few minutes before her friends come to her side. They have their wands out "Confundus!" One says. "Protego" I say back and roll my eyes. The girl starts looking at her wand "why am i holding a stick?" she asks.

The other girls face is now bright red "Serpensortia" She hisses. A snake comes flying out of her wand. I roll my eyes "Do you not remember that me and Harry are parseltongues? You dumb little bitch!" I say. I start to hiss at the snake. It turns and heads after the girl who conjured it. I turn back to Pansy "Don't mess with me sweetheart" I say with a smirk.

I turn back and the entire common room starts roaring, clapping and laughing. Blaise picks me up and puts me on his shoulders "That was amazing!" he says.

Blaise puts me down and holds my shoulders. "I really like you Li" he says. Before I can even think he smashes his lips onto mine.

When I manage to pull away I see Draco standing off to the side staring at me. His face is bright red.

I walk over to him and try to grab his hand. He moves it away and glares at me "get away you filthy little half blood slut." he spits. "Draco! Listen here! That was BLAISE! The player who tried to rape me? You really think I would kiss him WILLINGLY? You're even more of a pompous ass than I thought!" I hiss before turning away from him and walking back into my room.

The NERVE of that kid. I swear.

I lay down on my bed and look at Ivy. Her face is a lot less swollen and there are only slight marks where the boils were.

"I cursed Pansy and her little twerps. They won't dare mess with me again." I say laughing. Ivy pulls me up and into a hug "You didn't have to do that B! Now they're gonna make a point of pissing you off." she says laughing.

"Draco also decided to be an ass." I say. Ivy rolls her eyes and asks "What did he do this time?"

"Blaise was being a moron and decided to kiss me. Draco saw and flipped. He... he called me a half blood slut." I say shivering. It's finally sinking in that he has a point. I keep going from Draco to Ron. "I know what you're thinking. But you are NOT a slut B. He had no right to say that." Ivy says.

I nod and sit down at the edge of my bed. "It still stings though. Its Draco. He always says he'll always be here for me. You didn't hear him say it. You didn't see the hate in his eyes." I whisper. "It doesn't matter! You didn't do anything!" She says.

Ivy looks at the clock and her face goes blank. "I have to go! I'm missing my charms class!" She shrieks. "Go Go Go!" I yell laughing. Ivy races out of my room and slams the door.

About 5 minutes after she leaves I hear a knock on my door. 

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