CHAPTER 5: The first date

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Draco told me last night to wear a swimsuit underneath my robes, I wonder what I'm going to need that for.

I haven't seen Draco all morning. He missed breakfast and our potions class this morning, he told me to meet him in the common room at 11:00, and it is 10:50 right now, I better start heading to the common room.

When I open the door the common room is empty except for a smiling Draco.

He walks over to me and gently kisses my cheek. "Ready darling?" He asks. I nod and put on a smile that matches his.

He grabs my hand and starts leading me from the common room. He takes me outside and covers my eyes with his hands, leading me in the direction of the black lake.

That explains the swimsuit.

"Ready?" He whispers into my ear. Slowly I nod as he removes his hands from my eyes and places them at my waist.

I gasp as I see the picnic set out before the lake. Draco really has thought of everything, there's the same foods that we could find in the great hall. He even had fluffy beach towels.

I turn to Draco and kiss him on the lips. I pull away and he blushes "what was that for?" He asks. "Thank you, this looks wonderful." I reply with a smile and slowly hug him and rest my head on his chest.

I hear him softly say, "anything for you Lia."

We sit down on the picnic blanket he's set out and start to eat. All of the food was delicious, not a surprise considering it was Draco who set up the picnic.

After lunch Draco takes off his robes and reveals his plain navy swim shorts. I take off my robes and he smirks at my floral bikini like it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever seen.

I roll my eyes and jump into the water. Draco shortly follows.

Slowly we swim around each other and he never wipes that stupid smile off his face. He swims over to me and stands in the water, picking me up and spinning me around. So cliche.

He lowers me down and the look in his eyes tells me he wants to kiss me. I slowly pull his head down towards mine and our lips meet. My hands playing and tugging at his hair, with his hands on my waist. I smile against his lips as I realize how ridiculous we must look, but I don't even care.

Draco leads me out of the water and wraps a fluffy towel around me. I feel his breath on me as he contemplates kissing my neck. I nod and he leaves a trail of kisses from my collarbone up my neck and on my jawline. Slowly he stops and I turn around and he has that adorable smirk on his face.

We lay down, my head on his chest and we just sit in silence listening to each other breathe.

"Lia?" He says. "Yes Draco?" I reply sort of worried, "I've really liked you for as long as I've known you and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" I am momentarily shocked by his question, then I flip over and stare into his eyes with a little smirk. "I'd love to." slowly he kisses me and we spend the rest of the afternoon next to each other.  

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