CHAPTER 39: Last Task Gone a bit wrong

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Draco walks up beside me and takes my hand. "I'm guessing Granger is okay now." He says chuckling. I remember roll my eyes at him and he smiles.

He grabs something from his pocket and steps down on one knee. "Lia, I love you so much. Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asks, holding the ring he took from me last night.

"Draco... I can't. We just got space. I need to think." I say softly. His eyes stay on mine, but they begin to go dull. "Did you know your eyes are were grey again earlier? They just turned green..." he says quietly.

He knows I've given up.

I grab Draco's hand and pull him up and into a hug. "Draco, can we talk about it later? I'm exhausted and my feet are dying." I say. Draco smirks and picks me up. "Better?" He asks.

I roll my eyes and let him carry me back to the common room.

He puts me down in front of my room and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight Lia" he says softly. "Sleep well Draco, I'll see you in class tomorrow" I say.

I go to bed that night thinking of Draco and Cedric.

When I wake up in the morning I put on my robes and walk to my classroom. Tyler and I are supposed to have a session this morning to teach him advanced potions.

He walks in right on time and sits next to me. "What's up for today Lia?" He asks. I smile and grab a large cauldron. "I want to see if you know how to double a potion. I'm going to have you double a simple happiness potion. You may think it's simple, but trust me it's not. Try, and I'll help you learn it after." I say.

He nods and starts working. I go back to my desk and start coming up with my lesson plan for the students today. I think I want them to identify very advanced potion ingredients and tell their purposes.

I'm almost done writing down and gathering ingredients when Draco walks in. He sees Tyler working and sneaks up behind him. "Boo!" He says. Tyler turns around and smiles, "Draco!" He screams before giving him a hug. Draco and Tyler have gotten close over the week and Draco is his role model, he watches over and protects the shy little hufflepuff.

Tyler returns to his work and Draco walks up to me. He snaps his fingers and a big green bag appears in his hand. He gives the bag to me and smiles. "I had gotten this for you a while back, just thought I'd give it to you." He says shyly. I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks Draco, but you didn't have to do anything. You know that" I say. He smiles and looks at the floor. "I wanted to do something nice, for once" he says.

I smile as he looks up and gestures for me to open it. I place the big bag on a chair and remove the tissue paper. He smirks when I pick up a cat toy. "For marshmallow, I figured she needs some new things to do while you're out." He says. I laugh and place the little toy off to the side.

The next thing out of the bag is a green slytherin jacket. Draco smirks as I put the jacket on to see if it fits. "Gorgeous" he says when I'm done. I roll my eyes and move onto the next thing.

The last thing from the box is a small key with a note attached to it. The note says "this is the key to my heart. Always belonging to Lia Potter." I smile as I read the note.

Draco suddenly takes my hand and leads me down a dark passage in the dungeons. We reach a small room and enter. Inside is a little hang out place, with a used sofa and fireplace. By the fireplace is a big box with a lock.

"Open it" Draco says.

I walk up to the box and stick my key into it. The box opens wide and I see a small piece of paper lying on the bottom. It's a note. "Whoever opens this box owns my heart. I will always love her and will spoil her rotten. She will never be lonely, and will never be stressed. She deserves the best and I intend to take care of her as long as I live and after. -Draco Malfoy January 3rd 1990"

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