CHAPTER 21: So much for promises

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Draco told me he wouldn't push me, he told me I could heal on my own. Such bullshit.

As soon as I walked into the slytherin common room I saw him there and I went to read in my room.

Soon enough I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it to see a smiling malfoy. His smile was clouded by the sadness in his eyes. I rolled my eyes "Draco what do you want? Please just make it quick" Draco smirks "why, does it bother you to be around me for too long, give you an urge" he says winking.

I walk up to him and slap him. We both start hysterically laughing. I grab his tie and pull him into my room.

"Sit" I say. Draco obeys and sits at the edge of my bed. "So what do you want" i ask him.

"I know I told you that I would wait and not pressure you until you decided to forgive me or not. I can't do that. I had you back for an hour. Then lost you again. I can't bear it anymore. I need you Lia" he says. I see the pleading in his eyes.

I don't answer. Just walk over to him and push him back so he's laying on my bed. I jump over him and lay on the other side so we're both staring at the ceiling.

"Draco I still love you" I tell him. I don't even have to look over to Him to know he's shocked. "I'm so scared that I'll lose you to Voldemort" I finally whisper. Draco lifts himself up on the bed so his face is right over mine. "You won't lose me love, I promise. I only joined to protect you" he says.

I don't really pay attention to his words because as soon as he's done explaining I cup his cheek and pull him to me. I don't care about him lying anymore. All I want is the love of my life.

Draco gets the idea and moves so he's bracing himself on top of me. I break our kiss and look into his eyes. He smirks and I smile back. I grab his tie again and pull him gently down to me. Draco rolls over and pulls me with him. I not so gracefully flip onto his stomach. Our kiss breaks and we both laugh hysterically. "Not as sexy as I wanted that to be" draco says. This just makes me laugh harder.

"You have the cutest laugh I have ever heard" he says. I blush and rest my head on his chest. He slowly starts playing with my hair. I think he's trying to braid it. He lets out a frustrated sigh. "I don't understand how girls can do this. Your hair looks like a disaster now" he says with a chuckle.

We lay there in silence for at least 5 minutes.


I finally have my girl back. I just hope I can keep her this time.

I could stay like this forever. As long as she was with me.

"Love?" I ask

"Mhmm" she responds.

"What are we?" I can tell I've stumped her. She looks confused. The confusion goes away and she says "we are two people who love eachother very much" I couldn't have thought of a better answer.

"So you're my girlfriend again?" I say with a smirk. "Yeppers" she answers.

I love you Lia. So much more than you could ever imagine.

I hear her softly snore. She fell asleep! I chuckle and try to sleep. I can't. I can't sleep knowing she's near me. I'm too excited.

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