Chapter 44.

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Jazaki Allahu khairan to my best friend for this beautiful cover! I love it Haji!!!! StrivingNiqabi

Now I want you all to just take a minute out and pray for my city! Mumbai is flooded and it's really bad! Alhumdulillah my family members are at home but two of my uncles are still stuck. Please pray for everyone! All the girls from Mumbai please be safe and be careful! If any of your family members are missing then pray to Allah for their safety! Don't go out looking for them. I know it's difficult to stay calm but how will you help them by going towards the danger. Stay safe Mumbai!


Slowly soil rolled down Zeeshan's right palm before falling on the wooden plank. He did that two more times before moving aside from the grave. He went and stood next to Wildan. Wildan had tears in his eyes but he was standing  with his head high up. He was broken but he was trying really hard to be strong.

After some time everyone left.  Only Wildan and Zeeshan were the ones left there.  Zeeshan looked at his friend. Wildan was trying really hard to stop himself from crying. His eyes were red just like his face but nothing was more red than his nose. Zeeshan placed his hand on Wildan's shoulder.

"She never saw me crying. I made sure I was strong infront of her so that she feels strong. How can I break down now? She will never see me crying. She will always remember me as her strong brother."

"Pray for her Wildan. That's all she needs now."

"I don't know if this is true or not but when we were kids you remember everyone used to say when we walk away from the grave that person tries to call us back."

"Yeah." Zeeshan said nodding his head.

"When my parents and then grandparents died it was painful to walk away but it was still breakable. They were my support so it was difficult to imagine them weak. But Urfi? I have seen her breaking down. Zeeshan it's really painful. When I think about leaving her crying face comes in front of my eyes and I just cannot take it."

Zeeshan thought of consoling his friend but what he said made him sad as well. He had seen Urfi grow and he understood what Wildan said and how he felt. Even his mind was causing trouble by again and again flashing Urfi's face.

"We can stay here for some time?" Wildan asked.

Zeeshan slowly nodded,"I guess."

"How can I leave her all alone here? It will be dark soon and you know she is scared of darkness."


"Urfi is not my sister, she is my daughter, I raised her. I was there for her in every step of life How can Allah expect me to leave her all alone now?"

"It's the journey she will have to take alone. No one can accompany her."

"I have a lot of questions in my mind and I really want Almighty to answer! But when My Grandfather was dying he told me to never question Allah. He told me to never lose faith. But tt's difficult."

"I can understand."

Wildan slowly sat down next to his sister's grave. Zeeshan followed his action and sat down next to him.

"Take care Urfi. I hope you find peace now. I hope Allah forgives you. But I'm not going to forgive you for leaving me alone."


"Zeeshan can you please leave me alone for some time. I want to spend some time with my sister before finally letting her go."

Zeeshan immediately nodded his head,"I'm at your house. Come back soon."

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