Chapter 4: Island After Island

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Pain. It was the only thing which coursed through each and every one of my bones as my eyes tried to open. I didn't want to open them because I knew then the pain would increase but I didn't have much of a choice as stood in front of me I could see the faint outline of Viggo. I could make out his arms were held behind his back, his back was held up straight and his gaze was locked onto me. The burning of his eyes took effect more on me more than the pain from what I just endured did. With great hesitance, my hand slowly pressed into the bed as I pushed my body to sit upright, I could feel the scars on my back rip ever so slightly from the slow movement. I took a deep breath and lifted my head to face the disgrace on the man's face; my heart was beating rapidly because my body knew that it would not be able to take in anymore damage. The move that I took was stupid and reckless, I know that, but I also know that I want desperately out of here, I saw a chance and I took it, like anyone else would have done, though I must recognise the situation I placed myself in. The chestnut in the man's eyes killed me within as I tried to stay calm "I thought we were past all this Hiccup," yes, this wasn't the first time I tried getting out, probably about my fourth time at least now and each time I would get caught even though this time I honestly thought I had a chance, but I was wrong.

I lowered my head feeling not shame for trying to leave, but shame because I failed miserably. "Though I hope this time you have learnt your lesson and won't try it again, am I understood?" I felt his eyes scorch under my skin even though I wasn't looking at him. Immediately I felt my head lifted back and the blade of Ryker's weapon was back against my throat as he made me look into Viggo's death glare. I coughed before I answered him my voice hoarse and sore from the screaming I yelled earlier "I understand, I won't do it again...I swear," my head was released as was the blade from my neck and I could hear myself heavily panting. Either the men nodded at each other or at me I wasn't entirely sure before they slammed the door to the tower shut. Last time I had done this they left me in manacles so I wouldn't try again but this time they didn't and I don't believe it was because they trusted my word but because I couldn't move at all. I could feel the scars on my back, the scars trailing up my arm from under the tunic and the punches and kicks to the face leaving mini scars from corner to corner and it always led back to the question, how did I end up here and why?

I lowered myself carefully back down into the bed lifting myself onto my side so my back wouldn't scorch or rip more than it already was. I didn't have anything better to do so I adjusted the tattered material of the pillow for my head to rest on before reaching for the thin material to cover my damaged body. It didn't take long for dreariness to take over my body, I felt completely weak useless as I lay there, every time I went to close my eyes someone would walk past the door and peak on through to see the un-changed movement of the broken boy inside the room, either my timing was terrible for trying to fall asleep or they were making sure that I didn't, either way all I knew was that I needed it and soon it would take over just like it always does. The more my mind was paying attention to the noise outside, the harder it was becoming for me to shut my eyes and take in the darkness. The flick of my hair fell down against my face tickling my forehead every time my head fidgeted around to try and fall asleep; the more it did, more my mind was distracted from the business outside the door and I eventually fell into a deep sleep.


Blazing light shone through the window in the room and the untameable noise coming from the outside awoke me from my sleep and the door to my personal home was opened revealing Ryker. He didn't hesitate to storm over to me at full speed making my heart pound once again. His over sized hand took hold of my arm lifting me up from the bed before tightly securing manacles around my wrists; I looked at up him confused and scared at what was happening. The noise outside was getting louder and louder as my weight was dragged out from the room by Ryker's hand. I was dragged down the stairs with each step I lost my footing as Ryker's speed would increase with each step he took; then suddenly we stopped. "Viggo what are you doing?!" Ryker demanded at his brother as we both stood outside Viggo's office; his grip expanded in tightness as his hand clutched hold of my arm. I peeked into Viggo's office as I watched him collect item after item but the one thing that stood out to me the most was this cylinder object, it contained markings I'd never seen, it looked old but at the same time new but still fascinating.

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